Title: A Night Of Firsts
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Dick, Jason
Pairing(s): Dick/Jason, implied one-sided Jason/Tim
Word Count: 787
Genre: general/drama
Rating: PG-13/T
Notes: Part of
Puppetverse, sometime after
Invitation Only and before
A Death In The Family. I prompted myself with a quote from my favorite vampire series, Black Dagger Brotherhood. The quote is paraphrased by Dick in the first paragraph. Jason's had a tough night. Dick doesn't help, or maybe he does.
Link: N/A
“This was a night of firsts for you, wasn't it?” Dick questioned, hanging upside down from the fire escape above Jason's head. “Arson. Pants. Sex.”
Jason rolled his eyes before tossing a batarang at Dick, who easily dodged. “Okay, the arson? That was an accident,” Jason said unhappily as the batarang thudded against a wall when it missed Dick. “Also, the pants thing is a wash.”
“And the sex?” Dick asked cheekily, swinging down from the fire escape, flipping to the ground in front of Jason with a grin.
“There was none,” Jason stated curtly as he readied his grappling gun to get away from Dick before more questions were asked.
Once Jason shot his grapple, Dick followed in suit, and Jason was not deluded enough to think he could out swing a guy that grew up on the trapeze. Jason grumbled to himself as he landed on a rooftop, crouching down unhappily as Dick landed behind him easily. When Dick's hand landed on his shoulder, to his credit, Jason did not flinch at the touch.
“Little Wing,” Dick began, but Jason turned and gave him a glare, silencing him for the moment.
“Tim is a friend. Just because you have sex with your friends, doesn't mean I do,” Jason bit out, making Dick pull back his hand like he was burned.
“I don't-” Dick cut himself, running a hand through his hair. “Sorry. Right, I really know nothing about you, do I, Jason?”
Jason winced at that before standing to look up at Dick. “Look, I was angry when I said that, it's just...” he trailed off. “Tim is not like that, all right?”
Dick furrowed his brows. “Are you sure? I mean, I may have met the kid only once, but he-”
“He has a thing for Robin, not me,” Jason stated.
“Does he know?” Dick asked, crossing his arms.
Jason rolls his eyes. “Do you really think I told him?” he spat out. “He thinks there have been two Robins, and he hero worships the first one.”
“I know you didn't tell him,” Dick sighed before placing a comforting hand on Dick's shoulder. “I'm sure he'll see you're a great Robin. You just haven't been around as long as I was as Robin.”
Jason shifted under the hand on his shoulder, moving his now covered legs. “Are you mad at me?” Jason asked suddenly.
“What?” Dick said incredulously. “Why would you think that?”
“I-” Jason stopped, pulled away and motioned to the pants he added to the Robin costume tonight. “I altered your costume after you gave me your original to wear.”
Dick shook his head. “I'm not angry at all, Little Wing,” he said softly, pulling Jason into a hug. “You're Robin now, and you have to wear the costume. If you're legs are getting a little cold...”
Jason hugged back before looking up. “You're challenging me,” he said with a little glare.
With an innocent look, Dick turned his head to the side. “I have no idea what you're talking about,” he said guilelessly.
“Yeah, right,” Jason said with an eye roll, turning Dick's head to look down at him. “Well, I take that challenge, and I give you a challenge back.”
Dick raised an eyebrow. “Really? And what would that be?”
“Whoever pulls back first loses,” Jason answered with a grin.
Before Dick could ask what Jason meant, Jason's lips met his, teeth clinking. Dick's mouth had been open to ask Jason what was going on, so Jason took it as an invitation to stick his tongue down Dick's throat. Not one to be outdone, Dick swirled his tongue against Jason's before sucking on it, causing him to groan into the kiss.
Soon, air was a requirement, and Dick pulled back first, panting a bit. “I win,” Jason whispered with a grin, a gloved hand running over the expanse of chest that was uncovered by Dick's costume. “I didn't have sex earlier, but if you want to help me make your statement true...”
Dick's eyes widened behind his mask. “Jason, you don't have to prove anything to me.”
Jason snorted. “I wouldn't be proving anything other than I'm the better Robin in the sack,” he said with a shameless grin as he flipped off the roof and let off a grappling hook.
As Jason swung away, Dick stood in shock, long enough that Jason had a head start that Dick would not be able to catch up with him. Dick shook his head as he took out his grapple, shooting in the opposite direction Jason had went in. As he swung across the city, Dick decided the next time he was going to antagonize Jason, he would be prepared for anything.