*is a complete and utter comics fangirl* Baaaart, on a shirt! I want it! And omg, it's IMPULSE. <3 Okay, not just him, but hell, Max Mercury is on it with him, Jay, Wally, and Jesse! A-and, Superboy shirt! I haven't found a shirt that completely conveys my Robin love/lust, but I shall keep looking! *determined*
Superboy T-shirt:
http://www.stylinonline.com/tssupermanred.htmlBoth Green Arrows on one shirt:
http://www.stylinonline.com/t-shirt-green-arrow-team.htmlDinah and Ollie shirt:
http://www.stylinonline.com/tsgreenarrowjustice.htmlSpeedsters are *insert incoherency*:
http://www.stylinonline.com/t-shirt-flash-terminal-velocity.htmlBlack Adam shirt:
http://www.stylinonline.com/tsshazaamblk.htmlKyle gets some love too, yay:
http://www.stylinonline.com/t-shirt-green-lantern-running.htmlAnd for fun, another reason, other than this gorgeous art, to love Alex Ross:
http://www.stylinonline.com/tsalexrossmakelovenotwar.htmlFlash hoodie with MASK:
http://www.amazon.com/Flash-Costume-Mens-Hooded-Sweatshirt/dp/B001HTI4W4/ref=pd_sbs_a_4Green Lantern Hoodie with a MASK:
http://www.amazon.com/Lantern-Costume-Zip-Up-Hoodie-Select/dp/B001I2NDJY/ref=sr_na_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1232345827&sr=1-1Apparently, my wishlist is just t-shirt of comics, DO WANT:
http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/ref=cm_gift_gg_left_1?pf_rd_p=466292551&pf_rd_s=left-3&pf_rd_t=1001&pf_rd_i=homepage&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1YSYJ11C0S337QB7MJ3G Okay, on my wishlist, there's a shirt with villains on it that says 'Chillin' Like A Villan.' I giggle for two reason. First baddie I noticed was Captain Cold. Second, Pied Piper, in he polka dotted glory. <3 There's so much love for that, so much. <3
Oh god, I want that Flash hoodie so bad, but I could never justify buying it for $50. ;-; Waaaaaant. *dies inside*