Title: A Pair Of Three Of A Kind
Fandom: DCU
Character(s): Bart, Kon, Tim, Greta, Cassie, Cissie
Pairing(s): Cassie/Cissie/Greta, Bart/Kon/Tim
Word Count: 2273
Genre: General/Drama
Rating: PG-13/T
Notes: Post-Hurt No More. Bart wanted to be subtle, but that's not exactly his forte. Good thing Bart doesn't need to be subtle.
Link: N/A
When he had read every book in San Fransisco's biggest library, Bart had acquired quite a bit of knowledge. He had read everything and had not skimmed on a thing. That was why Bart knew the signs of denial when he saw it. Tim may not be in denial about being attracted to Bart and Kon, but he was sure as hell ignoring the fact said attraction existed while Kon was totally in denial and ignoring the fact he may like his two best friends as more than friends.
It had been weeks since the incident in the lab, then there had been the fight with Luthor, and before that something always came up. Bart was really itching to talk about the kissing because really? A few weeks was almost literally forever to a speedster, especially one who just figured out that his two best friends were really attractive. Could anyone really blame him? Plus, he was a teenager, so he definitely had urges that he had figured out a few moments ago that his own hand could not abate.
This meant drastic action needed to be taken, and Bart was going to make sure he had a contingency plan for everything. Tim would be proud even. First, he had to make sure both Kon and Tim were available to be seduced because otherwise the whole situation would go bad pretty fast, and Bart definitely did not want that.
Bart knew Tim was not in a relationship since his girlfriend, the Spoiler, had died. Tim still mourned her, but Bart did not think Tim was still pining for her, which was good. A brooding Bat in the Tower would never lead to anything fun, and if Bart's plan worked out, there would be a lot of fun to be had. Next part was to figure out what was up with Kon. Were he and Cassie still dating? If Bart asked Kon, he would probably avoid the questions, knowing Bart was obviously up to something. That left talking to Cassie.
He had to be subtle because if he was not and Kon and Cassie were still a couple, he would be thrown through a wall when Cassie figured out that he was planning on snatching her boyfriend for himself and Tim. That would be bad, bad, bad, Bart though as knocked on Cassie's door. He could do subtle now; he was not Impulse anymore.
There was a shuffle of noise behind the door before a small crash. Bart blinked. "Cassie, are you okay in there?" he asked, worried that Cassie might be getting attacked, but had learned his lesson not vibrate his way through a girl's bedroom door without permission; Cassie would yell out if she needed help with a villain.
"I'm fine, Bart! Don't come in!" Cassie shouted from her bedroom.
"Okay," Bart answered, shuffling his feet uncomfortably waiting for Cassie to open the door.
A few minutes and giggles Bart swore he heard later, a disheveled Cassie opened the door, and Bart zoomed in. Bart tilted his head at the mess; usually, Cassie kept her room pretty spotless. He looked to Cassie who looked a little flushed. Maybe she was sick? Bart put a hand on her forehead.
Cassie stared at him. "Uh, Bart, what are you doing?" she asked as Bart pulled his hand away.
"You look flushed, so I thought maybe that you're sick, and that's why it took you so long to answer the door. I didn't know amazons could get sick, but the library didn't really have a section on meta-humans, so it's theoretically possible you could get sick, but-"
"Bart," Cassie cut off his babbling. "I'm fine, I was just..."
Bart blinked rapidly when Cassie paused. "Just what?"
"I- Okay, I'll tell you, but you have to promise you won't tell Kon," she decided.
"Don't tell Kon what?" he asked then added. "I promise, Cassie."
Cassie sighed, went over to her closet, and rapped her knuckles on it. When she finished knocking on it lightly, the door opened to reveal a blushing Cissie and a grinning Greta. Bart's mouth hung open in surprise for a few moments before the revelation hit him.
"Ohmygod,Cassie,you'recheatingonKon!" Bart exclaimed really fast, about to zip out of the room, but Cassie gripped hard on his arm.
"Bart, you promised! Don't you dare go run off to Kon!" Cassie said angrily. "And I was going to break up with him before anything happened with me, Cissie, and Greta, but things just happened."
"Really good happening!" Greta piped up before Cissie covered Greta's mouth with her hand.
"Please, don't tell Kon, Bart," Cissie begged. "I- Greta and I shouldn't have done anything before Cassie broke up with Kon but-"
Greta moved Cissie's hand away from her mouth. "We missed Cassie a lot. We're sorry," Greta finished for her.
Unexpectedly for the girls, Bart grinned. "Cool! If you're breaking up with Kon, Tim and I can have him!" Bart exclaimed, all the subtlety he planned earlier going out the window faster than the Flash.
Cassie and Cissie gaped while Greta giggled. "Wow, you three would be so cute!" Greta exclaimed.
Bart beamed. "So does that mean I can seduce Kon with no objections?" he asked, unabashed by Cassie and Cissie's looks mimicking a fish.
Cassie shook her head, before sitting on her bed."I guess? I wasn't expecting this, Bart," Cassie muttered as Greta floated over to her left to hug her.
"It's okay; we didn't either, but this way we know Kon will have someone, two someones even, after you break up with him! That way you won't feel guilty and be mopey," Greta reasoned.
Cissie sat to Cassie's right, pulling her into a one armed hug before looking up at Bart. "Are you sure Kon's going to agree to that? I mean, he seems really straight to me, no offense, Bart," Cissie added.
Bart bit his lip, vibrating in place nervously. "He's definitely attractedtoTim, I think," Bart rushed. "I kissedhimonce, but I'm not sure if helikesmethatwaytoo. Tim does, I think."
Cassie slipped out of her girlfriends' hugs to put two hands on Bart's shoulders to make him stop vibrating. "Bart, stop" Cassie said firmly, and Bart stilled a bit. "You'll never know if you don't try, and I'm not going to get in the way. If you want, I can break up with Kon now. I shouldn't have kept pushing back. That was selfish of me."
Bart quickly hugged Cassie. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" Bart exclaimed, vibrating happily.
Cassie choked, pushing Bart away. "I get it; you're glad. I'll go now," Cassie stated, blush returning to her cheeks as she quickly flew out of her room towards Kon's.
Bart felt confused and looked to Cissie and Greta. "Why was she blushing? I only gave her a hug."
Greta giggled as Cissie stood up, putting a hand on Bart's shoulder. "A vibrating hug, Bart. Save those kind of hugs for Tim and Kon, okay?" she said, trying to hide a smile.
"Okay," Bart answered, still kind of confused, but he trusted Cissie.
"What did I do wrong?" Kon asked as he sat down on his bed.
"Nothing, Kon. You did nothing wrong," Cassie soothed. "It's not you-"
Kon groaned. "Cassie, you're really bad at this breaking up thing. You never use the 'it's not you, it's me' line unless you never want to talk to your ex again."
Cassie clenched her fists as her eyebrows furrowed. "I've never done this, Kon, so I'm so sorry I suck at this, okay!" she exclaimed.
Kon shook his head before standing up, placing his hands on Cassie's shoulders, looking down at her. "Please, tell me the truth, Cassie. You owe me that much."
Cassie turned her head away biting her lip, tears welling up in her eyes. She gulped, swallowing her tears and looking back up at Kon. "You're right. I owe you the truth, even though you'll hate me for it."
Kon gently placed a hand on her cheek. "I could never hate you," he whispered.
Cassie took in a deep breath. "I cheated on you today with Cissie and Greta," Cassie stated and watched as Kon blinked before bending over in laughter. "It's not funny!"
"Oh c'mon. That can't be-" Kon faltered when he saw Cassie's sincere look, "-true...? Oh my god, those puppets of you guys were totally showing me the future or something!"
Cassie winced as Kon leaned against his door for support. "I'm sorry, Kon. Even if Cissie and Greta hadn't come back into my life, I think we would have fallen apart anyway."
Kon looked up with a pained look. "Why do you think that?" he asked.
Cassie frowned. "C'mon, Kon, don't kid yourself. You were keeping secrets from me, and we were drifting apart because of it," Cassie bit out. "I'm not angry that you didn't share with me, but how were we supposed to have a relationship if you couldn't trust me with the most important secret you've ever had?"
Kon looked away. "I thought you'd hate me," he said sadly. "I thought you'd all hate me. Tim only knew because he did the tests without my permission."
"I could never hate you, Kon, and I still love you, but I don't think we're in love anymore. I think you can see it too, if you stop clinging on to this relationship. It's over, Kon."
With that, Cassie left Kon's room. Kon slid down to the floor. He was sad, but not because the relationship had ended. No, part of him was actually glad. He was sad because this meant he would have to face his feelings for Tim and Bart without the excuses of 'I have a girlfriend' and 'Well, I'm obviously straight.' More than he was sad, he was kind of scared. Even if he could handle asking out his two friends, what would happened if he screwed up? He was obviously no good with relationships, Kon did not want do anything that might mess up the best friendships he has ever had.
There was a knock on Kon's door. "Kon?" Bart's voice questioned from behind the door. "Are you okay?"
Kon rubbed his face with his hands before opening the door to get an armful of worried speedster. "What the- Bart, what are you doing?" Kon asked, biting back a groan when he felt Bart vibrating against him in his seemingly worried state. "And, guh, can you please stop that?"
Bart pulled away with a frown. "What'd I do?" Bart asked curiously before poking Kon repeatedly in the chest. "And you are okay, right?"
Kon grabbed Bart's wrist to stop the poking. "My girlfriend just broke up with me. Do you think I'm all right?"
Bart winced. "I didn't think you'dbesosad.I'msorry.I'llgonow," he rushed before moving to run out, but Kon would not let his wrist go.
"Bart, calm down. I'll be fine, but now I'm thinking I should be asking you if you're okay."
Bart shook his head. "Nononono,I'mfine!Noworries!"
Kon raised an eyebrow, tightening his grip on Bart's wrist. "Obviously, you're not okay. I need to know what's wrong to help you, Bart," Kon said sincerely.
Bart took a few minutes of subjective time before giving his answer. He kissed Kon, full on the lips. Kon's eyes widened, but he made no attempt to push Bart away. He closed his eyes, let Bart's tongue move against his, then Kon almost moaned when Bart started vibrating against him. Bart had his arms wrapped around Kon's neck and pressed his body close against him. Before Kon could decide that he wanted more, his superhearing kicked in, hearing the sound of light breathing and a heartbeat, a very familiar set of sounds.
Kon broke the kiss and stared at the doorway. "Tim!" he choked out.
Bart turned around and grinned. Kon looked between the two. They were both grinning, though Tim was more smirking, but that was just semantics. Kon was totally missing something and was totally not appreciating it as a blush crept up his neck to his cheeks.
Tim chuckled. "You guys can continue. I don't mind the show," Tim said as he closed Kon's bedroom door behind him.
Bart was happy to oblige, but Kon kept him at arm's length as he stalked over to Tim. "Or I could join you two?" Tim questioned, cutting Kon off before he could make a coherent sentence with a kiss of his own.
Kon instinctively kissed back and noticed the difference in the way Bart and Tim kissed. Bart kissed him like he would die if he did not, but Tim, he was kissing him slowly and methodically like every move of his tongue was part of some elaborate strategy. Essentially, their kisses like their heroic counterparts; Bart as Kid Flash was movement amplified while Tim as Robin always had a plan.
When Tim pulled away, panting lightly, Kon stared. "Cassie just broke up with me," he said dumbly as Bart came up behind him, arms wrapped around Kon's waist as he and Tim led Kon to the bed.
"Mmhmm," Tim agreed as he pushed Kon down on the bed, kissing his neck.
"A-and... I think I got over it p-pretty quickly," he stuttered as Bart hummed against the back of his neck, and Tim moved to kiss his mouth again.
Kon kissed Tim back as Bart's vibrations went through his spine and right to his groin. Tim pulled away again, but when Kon was going to protest, Bart started kissing Tim, and Kon's thought processes were shot for the rest of the night.