Apr 02, 2008 21:48
Okay, mommy. If you want me to never tell you anything EVER again, keep bringing up the ONE time I lied by omission and had my boyfriend time over while you were at work. It's not gonna piss me off at all since that subject will always be a sore one since he never talked to me again after we broke up. I didn't have sex; I'm still a virgin, end of story. I am not my cousin; therefore, I'm too paranoid to have sex out of wedlock because I have too much bad karma to NOT get pregnant. My cousins are my role-models, by way of whatever they do, I do the opposite.
Yes, I had a guy over, and we messed around in my bed. Yes, I didn't tell you until later. Hell, I TOLD you. Most teens keep things like that to themselves until they don't live with their parents anymore, or let's say, never? I told her maybe a few weeks or months later. I should stop being honest, if people are gonna be such a bitch about it.
I don't tend to lie. I'm not saying I'm infallible (I'm not the pope. *starts to laugh* Oh sorry, I think that whole he's infallible shit is bull), but I tell people what I think. Usually, I'm rather tactless about it but really? Would you rather me lie to you and find out later and be horribly hurt, or be insulted for a few minutes of your pathetic life?
^-^ This was brought to be a dead cat lying between the walking distance between my house and the bus stop in front of the library. Also brought to you by the letter F and U. Have a nice day~!
P.S. Fuck you, writer's block. I have essays to write! The semester's almost over! Let me pass my damned English class, so I can move to the one with less essays! ARGH!
P.P.S. I'm not bitter about everything in this post, not. at. all.
bad karma,
religion bashing,