Books 2010

Dec 29, 2010 22:42

It's this time of the year, isn't it? Have my reading list for 2010. It's quite long for my standards (54 books fiction), so I guess I'm satisfied! I don't count Latin texts for the 'main' list, they're included at the bottom. And yes, I read non-fiction for university, but that's rarely the whole book, so this stuff isn't included.

Previous Years: 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009

Books read in the original language unless indicated otherwise.

01.) Hamlet [William Shakespeare, reread, 5/5]
02.) Der Name der Rose [Umberto Eco, German trans., 2/5]
03.) Das Buch vom Lachen und Vergessen [Milan Kundera, German trans., 3/5]
04.) Ljod - Das Eis [Vladimir Sorokin, German trans., 3/5]
05.) Die Räuber [Friedrich Schiller, 3/5]
06.) The Ides of March [Thornton Wilder, reread, 5/5]
07.) Die Identität [Milan Kundera, German trans., 3/5]
08.) Die Physiker [Friedrich Dürrenmatt, 5/5]
09.) First Against The Wall [Manna Francis, reread, 5/5]
10.) Medea [Euripides, English trans. by E. P. Coleridge, 3/5]

11.) Atalanta in Calydon [Algernon Charles Swinburne, 3/5]
12.) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [Lewis Carroll, reread, 4/5]
13.) Povídání o pejskovi a kočičce [Josef Čapek, 3/5]
14.) Antony and Cleopatra [William Shakespeare, 4/5]
15.) Ilias [Homer, German trans. by J.H. Voß, 5/5]
16.) Imperium [Robert Harris, reread, 5/5]
17.) Das fünfte Imperium [Victor Pelevin, German trans., 2/5]
18.) The Song of Troy [Colleen McCullough, 4/5]
19.) Fire From Heaven [Mary Renault, 1/5]
20.) Kassandra [Christa Wolf, 4/5]

21.) Soldiers (Special Forces #1) [Aleksandr Voinov, 5/5]
22.) Mercenaries I (Special Forces #2) [Aleksandr Voinov & Marqueste, 2/5]
23.) Schweigeminute [Siegfried Lenz, 2/5]
24.) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone [J.K. Rowling, reread, 3/5]
25.) Poems and Ballads [Algernon Charles Swinburne, 4/5]
26.) Der Knochenmann [Wolf Haas, 3/5]
27.) Misery [Stephen King, 4/5]
28.) Der Spiegel im Spiegel [Michael Ende, 4/5]
29.) The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes [Arthur Conan Doyle, 3/5]
30.) Making Money [Terry Pratchett, 4/5]

31.) Fulgrim (Warhammer 40k - The Horus Heresy #5) [Graham McNeill, 2/5]
32.) Symposion [Plato, German trans. by Barbara Zehnpfennig, 3/5]
33.) Poems [Hesiod, English trans. by Hugh Evelyn-White, 4/5]
34.) The Dark Tower I - The Gunslinger [Stephen King, reread, 4/5]
35.) The Dark Tower II - The Drawing of the Three [Stephen King, reread, 5/5]
36.) The Dark Tower III - The Waste Lands [Stephen King, reread, 5/5]
37.) A Study In Scarlet [Arthur Conan Doyle, 3/5]
38.) The Dark Tower IV - Wizard and Glass [Stephen King, reread, 3/5]
39.) The Dark Tower V - Wolves of the Calla [Stephen King, reread, 4/5]
40.) Neuromancer [William Gibson, German trans., 5/5]

41.) The Dark Tower VI - Song of Susannah [Stephen King, reread, 5/5]
42.) Odyssee [Homer, German trans. by J.H. Voß, 4/5]
43.) The Dark Tower VII - The Dark Tower [Stephen King, reread, 5/5]
44.) Count Zero [William Gibson, German trans., 4/5]
45.) The Stand [Stephen King, 4/5]
46.) The Sign of Four [Arthur Conan Doyle, 3/5]
47.) The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes [Arthur Conan Doyle, 4/5]
48.) Verblendung [Stieg Larsson, German trans., 2/5]
49.) Erzählungen [Franz Kafka, partly reread, 3/5]
50.) The Hound of the Baskervilles [Arthur Conan Doyle, 3/5]

51.) Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí [Milan Kundera, reread, 5/5]
52.) Fight Club [Chuck Palahniuk, reread, 6/5]
53.) The Picture of Dorian Gray [Oscar Wilde, reread, 6/5]
54.) Der Richter und sein Henker [Friedrich Dürrenmatt, 3/5]

Currently reading: Der Turm by Uwe Tellkamp.

With poems and difficult passages in general, I cross-check with the translation, but I mostly read them in Latin.

- Oratio Pro A. Licinio Archia Poeta [M. Tullius Cicero, 3/5]
- De Bello Gallico [C. Iulius Caesar, 3/5]
- Carmina [C. Valerius Catullus, partly reread, 6/5]
- Pro M. Caelio Oratio [M. Tullius Cicero, 4/5]
- De Imperio Cn. Pompei Oratio: Pro Lege Manilia [M. Tullius Cicero, 5/5]
- Georgica [P. Vergilius Maro, 3/5]

Plans for 2011? More classic poems, more German in general, more assorted other languages, more Russians (in translation, alas) and some science fiction classics :) Guess I'll aim for 50 overall. The year will be stressful, but it seems doable.

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interest: reading, fandom: the dark tower, booklist, classical studies

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