So, for anyone following the “Young and the Rentless”, otherwise known as the soap opera of my penniless existence, you will no doubt be ecstatic to learn that I am now officially employed! Yup, ladies and gents, you are looking at a brand spanking new charity fundraiser, or I will be from next Tuesday. I suppose this means no more Countdown conundrums to fill my jobless afternoons, but it does mean more cash to indulge my penchant for Oxfam’s wares! (Don’t tell J :-)) Am still on the prowl for some London based photography work, but these jobs are just too few and far between for me to wait around. Fear not, good audience, I am not abandoning my calling, merely indulging the realities of rent cheques until the world recognizes my genius.
For all those intrigued by the Alien Prince use these 2 links: about the dodgy focusing, but J couldn’t get the pesky little fuzzball to sit still).
D McK and Ch were round for last weekend and what a corker they chose! The weather was blisteringly hot (for Brighton) and the town was packed and buzzing. We took them to Moshi moshi for a spot of raw fish - as you do, and managed to traverse the lanes, the north lanes, the mariner, the pier, the esplanade and still find time for haagen-dazs (Ch’s first!) and a drop of wine on beach. A toast to the last of the summer winos!
Well, this week J is finally back to varsity, I start convincing the nation to part with their hard earned cash for good causes (no politics please) and we are off to listen to Alexander McCall Smith chat about his new book (D, eat your heart out :-)) so I think that sounds good all round! (Anthony Bourdain on October 4rth - will try and get a signed book for Dad)
D, leave a comment if you’ve read this, but I am sure I will be getting a call from one of you anyway :-)