This is actually a re-posting of my reply, in a
thread over at MM-BBS. The topic was mostly in comparing the current generation of Disney shows and movies to the Disney shows and movies from "the olden days." Since I replied so late in the thread's lifespan, I didn't get any replies. That and, I suppose, some of my points had been brought up before
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These days I think many people are a bit closed-minded. There seems to be this clear distinction between girl and boy toys, children and adult shows, good and bad, etc. On the topic of Disney, I think marketing also plays a big hand in making such a distinction. Of course with the way people think these days, not many guys would ever buy into a show that pumps out pinky, sparkly merchandise.
As far as shows like Saved By the Bell goes, I think even though it was cheesy, there was at least something for everyone. You had the girls who liked the romance part of it and then you have guys who may be able to related to Zack or Slater. I think if there was something for everyone and is marketed towards a general age group rather than gender, it would work out a whole lot better.
Speaking of old and new though, people also gotta realize that staff from companies also come and go. When new talents come in, they may be able to offer something different for those who watch. We had and is still having this huge discussion on a forum I visit about how Disney killed the Power Rangers series. I mean yeah... the Disney franchise changed the entire PR franchise around and it sure didn't make a lot of hardcore fans happy. However, for this new series this year, they brought in some new blood for the production and now people can't get enough of it. Even if something goes downhill, it doesn't mean that it can't be fixed. Disney seems to be a company that is always changing. Hopefully though they can make something a bit more enjoyable for all age groups and all genders even if their main target audience is the younger kids.
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