Feb 12, 2008 08:05
I'm starting this late so I may have to draft it.
A few of you went! I'm so proud, you all deserve cookies for your experience.
Almost my entire family was with me (bro had to work). My father was the leader of the group, my mom was the secretary, and while my father wanted to be the delagate holder person his job doesn't really allow him to do that. Every member of my family stood and said stuff and it was kinda funny just because it kind of shows my family is rather strong and outspoken. Guess who didn't speak up...me...haha! I sort of felt everything that needed to be said was said and since we had no undecided votes it would just be redundant.
After Caucuses I helped put away chairs and I'm pretty sure Obama took all of the precints by a landslide. Which when you think about it is very interesting because we have a fair amount of older people...but the didn't outweigh the people 50 and younger so...sorry Mrs. Clinton.
Two friends and I met up at the local pizza shop, played two games of pool (I was incredibly bad) we had a few drinks and went off on way.
I found out I lost that job I wanted, and took a depressed nap. I woke up and went off to play with my friend Jon at Jake's on 4th.
I have to say it was a hell of a lot of fun, the music wasn't too loud, there was enough places to take a seat and dance, you could go outside and rest without a problem it was all good. The music was also a lot of fun. Both pop-py 80's and some hip hop. Do understand that Jake's is a gay-friendly club and that there was a HUGE amount of lesbians there. So While Jon says I was hit on by two women, I say one. I was also hit on by a guy as I walked out...more of a cat call than anything else. I thought it was interesting that the women were stronger suitors than the men were if that makes any sense.
Work yesterday:
Sue was sick and had to go home at 12ish, Boss lady was also sick and didn't come in. So I was alone for about 5 hours. Once again, music was loud.
Weather is looking better but still cloudy.
My brother broke his swing mirror in the bathroom...mmm, not sure what to say about that. Just hope there's no glass on the floor. I did clean though!