Nov 19, 2007 21:00
Today was a bad day. But I'll admit that my bad days are less heinous that most people's.
I was so bored and tired at work that I actually fell asleep a bit.
I told my boss that I needed to leave so I could take a nap and watch heroes...and she keeps me there for almost an hour talking about football. Something I have a very mild interest in.
I got trapped in the grocery store with all the other millions of pre-turkey-day shoppers.
I got home, attempted to check the mail and my window got stuck in the down position, I spent a chunk of time outside, in office wear, in the cold, banging on my stupid window.
My brother and I eventually got it fixed but still.
For me this is a bad day simply because every day is pretty much the same.
At least Heroes is on and I'm having tasty cup of noodles.
just because