Apr 29, 2010 18:18
I'm a self-proclaimed and publicly acclaimed nerd.
I have finished reading the Harry Potter Series, Lord of the Rings Series, The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Veronika Decides to Die, Saving Alice, The Lovely Bones, Boy meets Boy, All Bob Ong books and other gold books.
Still. I've only half-heartedly finished Twilight, ignored New Moon, got through 1/3 of Eclipse and quit, read half of Breaking Dawn and finished the leak of Midnight Sun.
I got Eclipse first. Started reading it. Acquired HP: the Goblet of Fire. Finished the latter book first. Started reading Eclipse again. Acquired HP: the Prisoner of Azkaban. Finished latter book. Ignored Eclipse forever.
I don't get the hang of this young adult-vampire novel-romance shizz.
Personally, I think Robert Pattinson was better as Cedric Diggory and Kristen Stewart better as Lisa in Zathura.
I applaud Twilight's writer. I just think that the hype was wrongly placed.
well. whatever.
random shit