Omg this episode is already so good. Christina is having Victorian romance fantasies! Meredith is talking about babies! Mark's penis works again! Hahaha they're so silly. Best. Show. Ever. Chief is rescuing something out of a guy's ass. Izzie is having interns take blood from her to test for her mystery disease. Lexie has to deal with OH GOD SEIZURE. Baby mama who ran over her husband with a truck is, that is. She's hypertensive. Now Dr Bailey has to deal with another dying kid. :( But the chief is gonna make her an attending! WHY ARE THE COMMERCIALS SO LOUD THOUGH :(
I love this arizona woman. she is cute and sane. i think because she doesn't associate with the other members of the cast.
I'm still in love with Derek. Hahaha Meredith is totally suspicious. Awww but Lexie is so thrilled about it! Yayyy! EVERYONE IS SO HAPPY YAY (except Bailey and Callie). Oh jesus thanks Dr Dixon. Most diseased heart ever seen. Awesome. Thanks for the buzzkill there Dr Aspergers.
George!! Finally! I was wondering where he was. Hahahaha omg this episode is so good. SO GOOD.
Omg they're talking about a sexy magazine. I'm dying. DYINGGG. EVERYONE IS ADORABLE. LOVE IT.
Okay Dixon is pissing me off with her 'spergin. Yarrr. Hahaha okay nevermind Christina and Bailey have to hug her. "You are a very small person." HAHHA "Cows are squeezed tightly in the chute before they are slaughtered."
You go Lexie! Demand he stop keeping you a secret! And you know what I bet he will do it because he is awesome. MORE VICTORIAN ROMANCE MUSIC! HAHAHA these silly glances. OH NO STRANGE WOMAN INTERFERES WITH GLANCES ALERT ALERT.
"Meredith. I want your crappy babies."
Christina and Hunt cuddling! And hugging! AND ARIZONA AND CALLIE! YES!! OMG YES! PLEASE BE LESBIANS. THAT WOULD BE SO GREAT. I don't like Callie's bangs though. YES YES YES THEY KISSED.
bahahahaaaaa Derek and Mark covering the room in teddy bears and candles and rose petals so he can propose! This is so cool.
I hate Izzie less now that Denny is gone. Her and Alex are so cute. Now I have to deal with all the Private Practice losers now though. Bleh. (At least we get Addison!! love herrrr)
Blah blah Naomi and Addison's brother having sex then a seizure whatever. Violet is pregnant actually I guess and no one but Cooper knows! I don't know who this other guy is. Apparently he's mad. And some blonde bitch is mad too! This show is not as good. Girl with crutches! Uh oh. Her mom's missing and she handed Cooper a note. WTF THEY ABANDONED THIS ADORABLE LITTLE GIRL! :( :( I miss Addison's hair. Shut up Naomi, everyone else knows he has a brain tumor already. And he's a jerk for starting a relationship with her when he knows he has an inoperable brain tumor! Even though Derek is totally gonna save him. Midwif bitch is bitching about some baby. Cooper is handling abandoned cute girl badly. Violet is talking to her. Felix the bear is cute girl's best friends. Awww. I'll take her!!! Naomi finally grew some balls and told Addison about her brother. :( She is taking charge though! That's why I love her. I LOVE YOU ADDISON i'm sorry you're stuck on this stupid show. That's not an email Addison! That's an IM. And some scans that I don't know what is supposed to be what. I guess it's bad cause everyone goes "Ohhhhh".
Inappropriate red bull commercial.
Shut up other guy whose name I can't remember. You can't know Addison all that well. Archer can't look upwards and apparently that is weird considering the kind of tumor he has! Cooper is still looking for cute girl's parents. Midwif bitch is still worried about the baby. I guess that is sweet. But I hope nothing is wrong with the cute baby.
I WANT THIS GIRL. SHE IS SO CUTE. Her parents are jerks. I don't care if their house is foreclosed and they are poor but you cannot give up this cute little girl ever.
"THESE LESIONS ARE WORM SACS IN YOUR BRAIN!" Shut up Archer. We've already lost half an hour of potential grey's anatomy crossover. Midwif bitch Dell is still upset about his baby. Meanwhile Violet is about to tell SOMEONE ELSE that she's pregnant. You're great at keeping secrets there. OMG BABIES. LOVE THEM. Panic attack ensues. Cooper found adorable girl's parents! They are unapologetic. Bastards. "We're done." "You're DONE?" I agree Coop. What do they think they're gonna do? Ugh. That sickens me. It's not the girl's fault she was in a car accident. It's probably your fault, fuckers. I am so mad about fictional people right now!
I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY CROSSING OVER YET! IT IS 1039!! Archer is cute though. Looks a little like Daniel Craig. :( Addisonnnnn I love you don't cry!!!
Cooper should keep this girl. I love her. I want to keep her. This ice queen is a bitch, stop bringing your personal issues with Cooper into this problem with adorable girl!! Violet is manning up and telling her two lovers that she is preggo. This is awkward. Why are they ganging up on her!! She's scared! Leave her alone you jerks! It's her baby and she just said she doesn't NEED you, would you rather find out in 9 months? MEN ARE SO STUPID. Archer is having another seizure. CALL DEREK ALREADY DAMMIT. His seizure screen looks like a rave. Sam puts him into an induced coma. NOW CALL DEREK. THERE'S TEN MINUTES LEFT AND SHE HASN'T EVEN CALLED YET. THIS ISN'T A CROSSOVER DAMMIT >:|
Didn't Pete's wife die or something? So they both actually want kids. Ughhhh. Dell is finally no longer anxious about the baby. Adorable girl is all fixed up! :) But Cooper is still upset about her. OMG THIS BITCH. SHE IS SO SELFISH. I hate her. What a cunt.
OH LOOK, THEY'RE FINALLY GOING TO SEATTLE. Why would they bill this as the crossover episode! That is so dumb. SO DUMB! Ugh. At least the episode of Grey's was perfect. I hope I still love Derek after next week though.