another go at katie's thoughts on grey's anatomy! you're all thrilled, yes yes yes.

May 01, 2008 20:59

ADDISON!!! Weird wooshy motion blur pplz. HERROOOO says Bailey! Everyone says "you're back!" and she says "I'm not back!" Here's everyone's favorite new lesbian couple...and Christina is still overexcited about Hahn. Meredith is excited about her clinical trial; Izzie is a bitch again. What happened? "SPARKLE PAGER STEALER!" Derek doesn't want Meredith getting her hopes up. About the patients. Douche. ADDISON! "HEY!" "Heyyyy!" "Heyyy!" "HAYYY!" Addison doesn't surf. Uh oh, no one told her they broke up. Awkward! Mark is God. He grew skin from stem cells! This isn't controversial?? Well, the baby the stem cells came from is alive so that's prob why. Oh, Izzie has interns again. And they're hungover!! FROM GEORGE'S PARTY!! Well Izzie's mad. Maybe she should stop being an elitist resident. Derek is being a douche lalala.  Is this Bear Guy #2 and his wife again?? Oh George is helping. I think it is Bear guy! And he is angry about something (probably his brain tumor). AWKWARD ADDISON/ALEX HUG! lolz. Oh hai Eva. You're back! To make things awkward! She is needy OH SHIT SHE'S PREGGO. And rambling. "Are you keeping it or having an abortion? I have a really big case." Ohhhhh Alex.

Baby's heart is growing outside it's body! Addison talks about tiny baby hands squeezing their own heart. Mark is still bragging about growing skin like god. Interns! They're like the freshmen of the hospital. They think they're cool cause they had a party. Izzie is being a bitch about it. She's not invited to their darts tournament! No, she is. George is too nice. Lexie tells him he "coded." Addison talks to Bailey about how people in Seattle are more dramatic and secretive than in LA. A wants to know what changed...and finds out about Derek and Meredith! Uhoh! Haha, the outside heart baby has a weird hippie dad. They have an ace surgical team! Oh, he also has an intestinal problem. He's protected by their love! Alex wants to punch him. Haha someone told Christina to go away. Addison is just finding out so much! Okay yeah they're definitely lesbians. Back to clinical trial land. Bear Guy just made mouth fart noises. And yells about how is wife sucks! IT'S JUST THE TUMOR TALKING she tells herself. He's laughing cause he CAN'T SEE. LOL! I would laugh too.

GET OUT FROM IN FRONT OF THE TV. Bear Guy is still fucking pissed. I would be too if i had a tumor invading my optic nerve. He is making awkward comments about Derek and Meredith being hot. Bear Wife is upset he's going to die and the last thing he told her was that she's a piece of ass. Izzie is being a real cunt. What the hell. Oh herro Eva. Asking questions about creeper. Addison is aghast about Derek and Meredith! Me too, Addison. Me too. Derek is insecure about his skills as a clinical tryer. Addison does not believe his gall. Eva is suchhh a fucking needy ho. Like this is coming from the neediest person in the world, and she is a needy ho. Alex is really annoyed with her...good. She's annoying. Hippie dad does not want problems! Alex hates hippies. And unprepared parents! Hmmm! His voice is squeaky. Bailey calls him out on having feelings, which isn't the best thing for Alex really. Christina is getting bitchy about Hahn and Callie! "I don't speak girl." Christina says. Addison: "Are you speaking the....Vagina Monologues now?" Callie is like lol what?! "I'm a huge, huge fan of penis!" Callie claims with aa lot of insecurity. None of the interns want Izzie in their darts tournament! Maybe because she's being a bitch. Christina is learning to talk. She wants to know people's thoughts and feelings. "Does that hurt? That she's married? Does that...hurt...your heart?" Oh Christina. George makes fun of Izzie stealing intern slang. Fight over the sparkly pager. Christina takes advantage of Callie and Hahn's lesbian relationship to get the surgery. Izzie tells a lady she's pregnant and starts talking about prenatal vitamins when the girl says she needs a 'bortion. She's got the Hi-Five! Boyfriend got off lucky when the condom broke (boys >>) though. It is just an awkward day for Izzie. Are they trying to make us hate her?

Lesbians! Christina gets the surgery for the small price of drinks at Joe's. Izzie wants Addison to help with HIV chick. But she doesn't work there...which turns into a rant about Derek. Oh Addison. She gives an inspirational speech. "Did she just quote Ghandi to me?" Alex talks to hippie dad. Aww, Bear Guy wants to see his wife. They're moving the surgery forward. "I don't want to leave her alone. I just want her to be alright when I'm gone." Aww, well that's nice! Why doesn't he fucking say that to her?? Meredith runs to talk to her therapist in the five minutes before her surgery. "The surgery with no hope?" Addison talks about the rebound girl not realizing Rose is right next to her! Oh ew. No one wants to hear about your heavy petting. Shut up. I hate you. No, I don't, I'm sorry. Izzie tries to give hope to HIV girl and her boy about the baby but she just WANTS HER DAMN ABORTION. Seriously Izzie can you just like stop. Give her her damn abortion. Bear Guy and his wife! Oh, he's being nice. Good. She is sad. My roommate just poured what looks like rocks into a coffee mug. HIV girl and Bear Wife look really similar. Baby fixin'! HAHA he looks like he has like a stuffed heart stuck on his chest. Something's wrong with her uterus! Oh no! :(

Dramatic baby music! George has to explain things to Izzie. She is their boss and they do not want to play darts. HIV mom is being accusing (not that Izzie doesn't deserve it). Izzie grows some balls and explains there is a 98% chance of the baby being HIV free! The kid is more likely to have Downs Syndrome, and doesn't that just open a whole new can of worms. HIV mom seems happy about that considering she falls crying to her knees. Meanwhile in the baby room, Christina is eager and gently massaging a heart. Why the fuck can't Hahn just appreciate Christina?? She's really just being a bitch now. Mark's baby skin! EVERYTHING IS BEEPING!! Bear Guy has "complete heart block"? Mom is beeping a lot. Mark is so fucking proud of that tiny piece of skin. Alex sees the widdle heart beating and cries. Awww. Patient #1 of the clincal trial: treatment failed. :( Bye Bear Guy.

P-Dempz and K-Heigz are being meta with their commercials again. Sigh.
Somebody on Lost had a baby?? I can not keep up with that show. Seriously. Sigh. lol
Private Practice is coming back in the fall! Woo! <3 Addison.

Baby and mom are fine! Add comments Bailey seems sad. Deep stares. Awww, Bailey is telling Addison about her wrecked marriage and how she can't talk about it or she'll fall apart. :( Awww, Baileyyy. Bear Wife cries and is comforted by Derek (not the worst source I would say). Uhoh. Business-like hand shake and professional conduct between him and Mer! NOT THE PROGRESS I WANT TO SEE. Chief really wants Addison back. I do too. "I was so freaking Ghandi I kicked Ghandi's ass!" Izzie says as she flutters by. George is wearing the worst sweater, knitted from ugliest sheep. Aw, they're drifting. I LOVE MARK. I LOVE HIM. Elevator consists of: Derek, Meredith, Addison and Rose...the door opens and Mark just starts laughing his ass off. I LOVE HIM. HAHAHAHA Hahn just picked a hair out of Callie's lip gloss. HAHA she dances with Mark so people will stop calling her gay! HAHAHA "Is it cause I'm Asian?" Christina blurts out at Hahn. "I think she reminds me of me," Hahn confesses to Addison. THEN SHE CALLS CALLIE BEAUTIFUL. And looks jealously at her leaving with Mark! OH NO! Callie is afraid of her new sexuality. Izzie has Eva's labs! Addison is very Zen, but wants to kick Meredith's ass. Derek Christopher Shepard! "Are you letting him get away?? If you watch him ride off into the sunset -" then leaves. EVA ISN'T PREGNANT! Won't Alex be glad! He is sitting in the dark brooding...UH OH he's fondling her stomach! HURRY IZZIE! GO TO HIM.

Haha. "Every time Derek walks into the room all I can think about is his tongue." I am excited for next week. :)


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