I really really can't wait to see I'm Not There. I ♥ Bob Dylan.
It'd be nice to go with my dad, since he's the one that's been playing Bob Dylan and his "boring old people music" at me since I was born, basically, but it might also be awkward, because he's Bob Dylan and who knows what he did that it'd be awkward to sit through with my dad. haha. We'll see. And I still need to see Dan in Real Life. And Juno!!!! I want to see Juno really bad haha. and enchanted. And I Am Legend actually looks interesting too.
In other news I really really want Half Blood Prince to come out. I'm in a Harry Potter mood like whoa recently. so i just called my mom to ask for order of the phoenix on dvd for christmas cause i forgot to put it on my list. (aaaaand i got bitched at because blah blah we have no money yeah okay sure) that was such a good one, omg. so far out of all the movies my favorites have been the books that i'm sort of eh on and the worst one has been the one based on my favorite book. oh spanish guy, you bastard, you great lupin and sirius desexifying bastard with your gollum like werewolf......yeah, i'm done, okay. I think I feel like reading Deathly Hallows again. Speaking of Harry Potter....
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catchiest song ever.