(no subject)

Feb 27, 2007 22:50

Today I woke up and it was light out, but I wasn't late. Then I opened the garage door and heard birds singing. There are daffodils peeking out of the ground. I love it, I love love love it. Spring is coming!!! And eventually bathing suits, warmth, freedom, flowers, tops down, swimming, driving aimlessly, all that good stuff that makes me so happy. :)

NHS is going okay. I'm not going to get kicked out! I just have to do an extra teacher's assistant thing, but that's easy. :) Now I just need to prove it?

School is otherwise going okay I guess. It's bearable. Having things to look forward to probably helps. :)

Speaking of which, March is shaping up to be pretty okay for once. Let's hope the March Karma doesn't interfere. Or if it tries, let it get its butt kicked at least.

April, meanwhile, is going to be super sexy awesome no matter what. I'll be 18!!!! Finally! Aaaaaand my dad finally gave me the go-ahead for the My Chem/Muse show at Penn State...though not before floor tickets sold out. ¬_¬; Oh well. It'll still be kick ass.

I came to a terrible realization today involving some sage grown up advice being completely true. It was terrible haha. I hate this whole age of reason thing. It's giving me far too much perspective to be able to remain obstinate without a fight. :P

That's pretty much it. :) Life is some good shit.

1. What is a question that people ask you that always gets on your nerves?
”Can you draw me?” No. No I can’t. Stop asking. It makes me uncomfortable and you won’t like it because it’ll look too much like you. So no. (Though there are exceptions to this rule.)

2. Name something you have in common with all your siblings:
We all look the same and all have a tendency to be really, really cheesy.

3. What is the greatest amount of physical pain you have ever endured?
Uhhh well there was that time I crashed my bike and got owned by the ground…I dunno, when I get hurt badly I don’t remember it. It’s like repression or whatever I guess. Like I don’t remember how it felt after I crashed my bike, broke my arm or got that piece of glass lodged in my leg. You know, things it seems like I should remember lol

4. What number of drinks constitutes your limit?
Soda at home: 1 a day
Booze: depends. Rum, I should probably stop at a shot (but I don’t :P). Smirnoff ices, probably 2, 2.5…anything else I haven’t drank enough of for it to matter.

5. Do you fold your underwear?
haha heck no. it just gets tossed in. when it actually makes it to the drawer that is

6. Who is the last person you wrote a letter to on paper?
hmmm. Good question.

7. Have you fired a gun before?
paintball gun?

8. Name someone you consider a genius:
there’s someone, but I can’t think of it right now.

9. What was your favorite childhood toy?
Snuggle Bear and my blanket of course. Then probably my toy horses and my dollhouse. I built an entire like stable thing when I was little. It took up a good tenth of my old basement.

10. Name a sound that disturbs you.
chalkboards. Not even just fingernails on chalkboards, just like anything on chalkboards. Thinking about them makes my nails and teeth feel weird. Also when like drums make noise when there’s no one playing them. Like you know how they just like, shake I guess cause of like resonance or some shit? James explained it to me once, I don’t know. But yeah it creeps me out.

11. Name something random that you would never do.
Ummmmm. Catch a fish with my bare hands and eat it (raw, still alive).
How tremendously over-detailed. o_o

12. Name a person whose diary you would love to read.
If I said I wanted to read someone else’s diary, that might give people the impression I’d be cool with people reading mine. So uh, no one’s.

13. Have you ever had the same dream more than once?
Yeahhh. I can’t remember it though, I’m terrible like that. I also have like pieces of dreams that always show up. Well more nightmares really I guess?

14. Name a song(s) that make(s) you happy.
Carly Simon - You’re So Vain

15. Name something that made you laugh this week.
falling down like an ass for no reason at all :P in the locker room first and then just in my room because apparently I suck at standing.

18. If you were in an emergency situation and you had to deliver a baby, could you do it?
uhhhhhh probably not? Maybe? I don’t know?

19. What do you like about being in a committed relationship?
Don’t act so surprised. You’re not.
Also uhh…I dunno, security or affection or less important things like that. :P

20. What do you dislike about being in a committed relationship?
I don’t really know. Like for real.

21. If you were famous, what would you be famous for?
My sizzling wit? I don’t know.

22. Name something you dislike about your mother?
She can be very self-depreciating and it bugs me sometimes

23. Name something you dislike about your father.
he refuses to let me say “no” despite how much right I may or may not have to

24. What is on your refrigerator door?
nothing, we have a gay stainless steel fridge

25. Name the closest thing to you that is green?
my bra

26. If someone who didn’t know you had to guess your name, what would they guess?
I dunno o_o

27. Name something you have to do tomorrow:
make up a physics quiz

28. Name a movie you are looking forward to watching.
Black Snake Moan!!! hahaha

29. Have you ever called 911?
Well. When I was little my best friend’s phone number began with 918, and apparently I was retarded and sometimes hit “9-1-1-8” but by the time I would hang up the phone/notice it would be too late. Various emergency vehicles were dispatched to my house at least 4 times in second or third grade haha

30. Name something you've heard about women that tends to be true.
we….have lungs?

good mood, fun time, survey, yay, concert, school, random, spring

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