Sephiroth will happily skewer Kadaj again. The clonebrat's everything he doesn't want to be, and is a constant reminder of that. He's insane, has no control, and is a follower of JENOVA. There's not much to say there. He would have ignored Kadaj for the most part, if the youngest would quit antagonizing him, and attacking his friends.
And a clone of him. He hasn't questioned that too closely, but if he does, bad things will happen.
Kadaj will be... much more careful this time around. He's learned his lesson about over-confidence around Sephiroth. He'll be fighting to kill and to keep as little damage to himself.
And a clone of him. He hasn't questioned that too closely, but if he does, bad things will happen.
I apologize for the fact that once Kadaj gets himself back together he'll likely return to attempting to provoke Sephiroth.
After all, mother asked it of Kadaj.
Otherwise... Well, expect Wall and Haste early on.
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