FMA 102!!!! FMA 102!!!!!111 FMA 102!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 (SPOILERRRS in comments)

Dec 09, 2009 23:04


If you're lost or haven't followed in a while. Just read it. We're headed full steam towards the end of this series, and...the crazy stuff keeps coming. I just think one of the worst things has just happened though. (Well, you could interpret it as funny, but really, it's very sad and shocking.)

asjklajdkaljpiwiouwrwiourowe *keymashes* (Oh yes, it is keymash worthy. I haven't keymashed since ep 50/51 of the first series' twist.)


EDIT Lol broken HTML tags ftw. xD; (Sorry for screwing your flists guys

i read crazy series like this, hagaren, fma, wtf

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