Character discussion time! here are some in-depth analyses of the characters I play; feel free to comment with how your characters feel about mine, if you wish, and expect in-depth replies if you do...
KADAJ ('Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children'):
Ho crap; where to even start. Kadaj is one big, mixed-up tangle of emotions; he's a fifteen-year-old-boy who's only had three years to adjust to life, and the first year of that was spent learning how to control a bike and master the Souba. Now he's like an ADHD child with internet access.
First up: his ANGER!. Kadaj has a lot of pent-up anger and aggression inside him. This is partly due to his being an aspect of Sephiroth, his cruel and sadistic side, so in a way he can't help but feel the need to take revenge for every slight made against him, or his desire to fight others and cause pain. The way he deals with it, though, is to stir up trouble to provoke others to fight with him both verbally and physically; he thrives on conflict. Unfortunately, he is often angry at himself, being well aware of his own failings although he would never admit it, and he takes this anger out on others, which just makes him seem like even more of a childish troll.
Next: ANGST. Kadaj is plagued with feelings of worthlessness, and constantly questions the value of his own existence. Even though Kaa-san has all but abandoned him, he refuses to fully accept the fact, even though deep down he knows that she doesn't really care for him at all. He knows full well that he was just a puppet, an avatar prepared for Sephiroth's return, and this, in turn, fuels his anger. (See: ANGER!)
And now: Parental issues. As previously mentioned, Kadaj has abandonment issues regarding Kaa-san, and can't help but search for someone to act as a mother figure. He isn't even consciously aware of this fact; it's something inside of him which cries out for love and attention. In a way, this is why he got together with Yunalesca - she resembles Kaa-san physically, which meant Kadaj was attracted to her, hoping she would look after him. Kadaj also longs for the presence of Aeris, whom he regards as an older sister to look out for him. (It's worth noting that anyone with Jenova cells - such as Cloud - gets referred to as a sibling by Kadaj, whether they like it or not.) Also, although he constantly shouts at her and gets angry at her for being close to Rufus, Kadaj sees Tifa as some kind of mother figure. This is probably because she's used to dealing with orphans, so she knows how to deal with children, and Kadaj is, in essence, little more than a child himself. She is able to calm him down and soothe his anger more efficiently than anyone else. (See: ANGER!)
That sticky subject: Sexual feelings. Kadaj can't help but be very, very confused as far as sex is concerned. He was created as a moody teenager, so his hormones are all over the place; being a pawn of Sephiroth, he was made to find Kaa-san, and so equated his sexual desire with a need to find and consummate his relationship with his own mother. He doesn't see anything wrong with this mother/son relationship as it's something he's always known, so it's normal to him. When he first saw Yunalesca, he fell for her at first sight because physically, she resembles Kaa-san; when they slept together for the first time, it was because he thought Kaa-san had gone for good, and so he went for the best female company he could find otherwise. For Kadaj, sex is also a way of calming his anger, as it allows him to spend his frustration and pent-up rage in a physical way. (See: ANGER!)
Relating to this, this is also why he posts so much humiliating porn on the community; as mentioned, he is like a teenager who suddenly finds a wealth of information at his disposal online, and can use it to make fun of others. Kadaj can have trouble separating his feelings of anger and of desire, and so he uses sex as a tool with which to belittle others, making himself feel better and making him feel more like a 'big man' in doing so.
Kadaj's desire for Rufus stems from the same root; he hates Rufus and ShinRa for everything they've done against him, but at the same time he wants Rufus to want him, almost as if Rufus' desire for him could eliminate the misdeeds of the past; if Rufus wanted Kadaj, it would, in some way, make Kadaj feel needed, as if his existence had purpose. Rufus' constant rejection of Kadaj only furthers his feelings of self-loathing and worthlessness.
Now that he has become a father, Kadaj thinks a lot more about his own relationship with Kaa-san, and is determined to be a more devoted parent, especially since Q kidnapped the twins. It breaks his heart to not see them growing, especially since they grow so fast. ;___;
On DramaDramaDuck, Kadaj is very much in love with Yunalesca (their first encounter was a chance meeting because she looked like Kaa-san, but he has since come to know her as her own person), he no longer regards Sephiroth as his brother due to Sephiroth's callous dismissal of Kadaj, and the fact that Sephiroth sleeps with Yunalesca to spite him; he epically dislikes Dante for being an arrogant prick and for beating him in every fight they have; he hates Rufus ShinRa, but at the same time wants to be his Uke, because it would make him feel wanted; he despises Q for stealing the twins away from him; he likes B, because B is also a somewhat unbalanced killer, and talking to him makes Kadaj feel normal; he hates Larxene, because he thinks she stole Yazoo away from him; he likes Tifa, because, as mentioned, she treats him like a child, which to be honest is what he needs sometimes, although he would never admit it.
SEPHIROTH ('Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children'):
Although Kadaj represents Sephiroth's cruel and sadistic side, Sephiroth himself is a different kettle of fish altogether. He is cold, distant and aloof, seeing everyone else as inferior beings, often unworthy of his attention. (In his fight against Cloud in 'Advent Children', throughout the whole fight, he makes about two slight sounds of irritation; even in battle, he doesn't show much emotion.)
The only creature whom he deems of any value is Jenova, whom he treats with the utmost respect and reverence, deferring to her where necessary and championing her causes, whatever they may be. Also unlike Kadaj, Sephiroth has no affections for his mother other than that of being a devoted son; he doesn't find Jenova sexually attractive in any way, although he does regard her as having an ethereal beauty.
As far as sexual love goes, Sephiroth is unfeeling enough to not feel the need to have an emotional attachment to anyone else. He sees romantic love as being weak and pathetic, the ones involved in such relationships little more than needy individuals afraid of being alone. Yes, Sephiroth does enjoy the occasional tryst with Yunalesca, but he does this out of spite and boredom more than anything; he finds it entertaining to manipulate Yunalesca, and takes pleasure in upsetting Kadaj by 'stealing his woman'.
Sephiroth has little interest in the twins, Shiva and Ixion, other than to claim ixion as his own to use for some fell purpose in the future. As far as he is concerned, Shiva is definitely Kadaj's child, whereas Ixion is his; he wants to raise Ixion as another cold, ruthless being to stand alongside him.
Sephiroth has little interest in any members of the community in particular, other than Kadaj (whom he finds amusingly pathetic), Yunalesca (she can be good company in bed, and when she loses her mind he finds it funny), Rufus ShinRa (daddy's boy; Sephiroth and Rufus were rivals for President ShinRa's affections?), Tifa (it entertains him to wind her up) and anyone who hauls out the old 'insane megalomaniac' argument.
RENO ('Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children'):
(In 'Advent Children', Reno was something of a comic character. In the original 'Final Fantasy VII', he wasn't. This version is kind of a cross between the two. :|)
On first impressions, Reno can seem like something of a clown; he doesn't seem to care too much about his job, he messes around when he should be working, he pokes fun at people if he thinks they're being douchebags. But the truth is, when it comes down to it, he is pretty damn serious about his work when he needs to be. He'll drop everything and head back to ShinRa headquarters on a moment's notice if Rufus calls him in to do something; he's competent in a fight, and can more than take care of himself if he needs to (think about it - how many Turks did there used to be, and now there are four?)
...yes. Yes, he does have an alcohol problem. He was always a heavy drinker in 'FFVII' (think Wutai, when your party encounters him - he takes one look at Cloud and announces "Just looking at you is making me sober," before heading back into the bar) and he hasn't really stopped drinking since. Well, he does have a lot to cope with, what with planets almost being destroyed, and your boss being presumed dead, and seeing all manner of freaky things such as Chocobos being summoned on his head and Hojo working in the same building... no wonder he has a drink or two sometimes. Or three. Or four.
He's a killer, too. This fact seems to get overlooked sometimes; the Turks aren't just comedy bodyguards. They're hired killers, torturers and assassins - Reno has made a fair few people 'talk', not to mention had some of them die on him during interrogations. That E-Mag he carries isn't just for show. There's a much darker side to Reno than we get to see... it just doesn't get revealed very often. (It would be very bad for ShinRa PR if it was, right...?)
As for romance, Reno had a crush on Elena for the longest time. When she joined the Turks, he made jokes about her and made fun of her because he really liked her - in the same way that a ten-year-old-boy would make fun of someone they liked, to get their attention. Unfortunately, this made Elena think he hated her, and she ended up liking Tseng instead. :|
Things might change now, though, since Reno hooked up with Minako (Sailor Venus). She has the kind of personality he likes and respects - a girl wo can look after herself and isn't afraid to speak her mind. He is a bit worried that people will think he's some kind of pervert; after all, she's only about 18 and he's almost in his mid-20's - but he does have her best interests at heart. He's already trying to lay off the alcohol for her sake. (That's SAKE, not SAKE. NOT THE RICE WINE.)
For all that he complains and bitches about him, Reno does actually like Rufus ShinRa, otherwise he wouldn't bother showing up for work at all. He respects (and fears) Tseng, and still likes Elena, although he wouldn't try anything with her, especially since he's now attached himself. He thinks of Kadaj and Sephiroth as vermin; there isn;t anyone on the community who really annoys him, and he tends to just sail through any arguments with endless sarcasm (unless someone brings up the subject of women...)
OTHELLO FARELLE ('The Demon Ororon'):
Othello Farelle is an incurable man-whore. Seriously. He will sleep with just about anything, anytime, anyplace, anywhere. There is a reason for this, however; he was married once, to the love of his life, Futaba, but she was executed on the orders of the King of Hell. And the best part? Othello was the one who had to kill her. :| He knows that he'll never find another love like hers, and so he spends his time throwing himself from one fling to another in an attempt to feel something akin to what he felt with Futaba.
Not that you'd know it from looking or speaking to him, though - he tends to approach life with such a carefree and happy attitude, it would seem that the wounds of his past have all been forgotten. This is far from the truth; mention marriage, unfaithfulness, cheating on a girl or Futaba herself, and Othello will waste no time in verbally cutting you down to size. Other than that, he's pretty laid-back and doesn't lose his temper very often.
Othello likes and respects Shiro, who befriended and defended his brother Ororon whilst Ororon lived on earth. He finds Lika's apparent lack of any feelings whatsoever pretty funny; he also seems indifferent to any feelings Lika may have towards him, if any. Even if she did, whether Othello would entertain those feelings is a different matter since Othello knows that Shiro likes Lika... and would he sleep with Shiro's 'girl'? I honestly don't know! XD
NEL ZELPHER ('Star Ocean: Till the End of Time'):
Nel is rather quiet on DDD, but understandably so; she is atill adjusting to married life with Albel Nox, her one-time enemy. Nel is a sensible, level-headed woman; at least, she was until she got together with Albel. Before her marriage, she liked to approach every situation as calmly as possible, leaving her emotions behind in order to solve any problem. When she fell for Albel, though, she found that her feelings for him have complicated matters; she becomes worried about him, even though, logically, she knows he is more than capable alone in combat.
She doesn't have any particular enemies on DramaDramaDuck, and tries to diffuse any potentially volatile situations as quickly as possible.
THE ARBITER ('Halo' series):
Throughout the 'Halo' series, we see the Arbiter develop from being a pawn of the San 'Shyuum - the Prophets - to fighting alongside the Master Chief in his efforts to save the Universe. On DramaDramaDuck, the Arbiter has finished his fight (I'm playing him post-'Halo 3') and is now attempting to make amends with the humans, finding out about their culture and traditions and trying to build bridges between his race, the Sangheili, and the human race as a whole.
The Arbiter is deeply religious, and very spiritual; he takes strength from his faith and spends much free time in prayer and meditation. He likes to reflect on his previous actions, as well as the actions of others - this, combined with his determination to learn more about humans, makes him rather inquisitive, and he often asks questions of others on the community, not just to find out the bare facts but to help answer questions he asks of himself. He will help out where he can if anyone seems to be in trouble.
Of all the members on the community whom he has spoken to, he finds himself drawn to Sam Bourne the most; the two of them have shared conversations on the nature of killing and redemption, and he finds the human to be of a similar opinion on the matter.