(no subject)

Nov 10, 2005 15:26

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Post your results.
1) Did the___colonel break up with you? No, we never even went out
2) If touchmysword took over the world, who would suffer? I think he would because he's dead
3) If _blackenmyeyes_ was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? I'm not sure
4) Do you have a crush on cerberus_v? -goes red- W-what?! Um... no Ijustthinkhe'sattractivethat'sall
5) What would sycdansylrehecd think of reno_yo? I think he'd get along with Reno
6) What song/movie would you recommend to turkgirl? ...Mallrats?
7) What is the___colonel's favorite game? not sure
8) Do you have ___cloud___'s screenname? nope
9) What is ___cloud___'s favorite color? purple?
10) What is beautiful_kuja's favorite movie? -shrugs-
11) Is touchmysword a high school student? no
12) Are i_luv_nii_san and turkgirl going steady? No, that would be weird
13) What word best describes ___cloud___? quiet
14) Does cerberus_v have a dog? Not that I'm aware of
15) Would you make out with thundersword? no
16) Does scarred_knight know i_luv_nii_san? Maybe
17) What rank would zomgsephiroth have in a giant robot army? A general
18) Is _buster_sword friends with jocknut? possibly
19) Is touchmysword introverted or extroverted? introverted
20) Are i_m_not_short and cerberus_v married? Definately not
21) How tall is rikku_machinist? I don't know she seems kind of short
22) One quality you find attractive in vixene? He has lovely eyes
23) Where would scarred_knight most like to visit? I don't know, but Squall would probably go with him
24) Which president would wutai_thief be likely to idolize? pft! Damned if I know
25) Which of your friends should lord_nox go out with? none
26) What comic book character would rikku_machinist be? the happy annoying sidekick
27) Does i_luv_nii_san smoke? no
28) Would _buster_sword and cerberus_v make a good couple? No
29) Is turkgirl 1337? Of course she is!
30) What animal should _buster_sword be combined with? a hedgehog
31) How would genkigenkigenki conquer the world? through happy hyper cheerfulness
32) Is guns_and_aeons popular? I guess
33) Would the___colonel go out with turkgirl? I don't think so. Elena likes Tseng and Roy has his own issues
34) When did you last call ___cloud___? Reno called him last and it was about guard duty
35) How long would yay_its_selphie dating lord_nox last? .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000005
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