Hmmm, yes it is the ungodly hour of 6:30AM on a Saturday, but my sleep schedule wants to wake me up at the same time I get up everyday. Anyways, I was thinking, why aren't there ficathons for any holidays that aren't Christian? The main one I'm thinking about is
yuletide, but I think lj user=undermistletoe> is sorta Christmas themed too. Where are the Hanukkah ficathons? Or Kwanzaa? Or Solstice? Or Chinese New Years even? I'd love an occasion where I could read more fics and learn about someone else's special holidays and events.
In other news, going to see Golden Compass later today. Never read the books, but my little sister likes the polar bear in the trailer.
And might as well get these out of the way:
Wip Updates
Owned chapter 30 by
jordangrant (HP, Harry/Draco)
Shattered chapter 2 by
ellyfanfiction (Smallville, Clark/Lex)
Knicky Knocky Nine Doors: Took Care of the Cat Already by
toomuchplor (SGA, no pairing yet)
Out Of Bounds newest part by
icarusancalion (SGA, AU, Mckay/Sheppard)
A Woman True and Fair chapter 26: Tea Party of the Damned by
white_death (HMC, Howl/Sophie)