Erm, just thought I'd get these WIP links up, so I have one less thing to do in order to get back to actually reccing things again.
WIP Update
All the Difference part 10/? by
xparrot (SV, Clark/Lex. futurefic, AU) which I totally blame
issen4 for pointing out
Brightly Burning Chapter 11: The Halcyon Days by
aishuu (Hikaru no Go, AU) Still need to read
Before Peace - Chapter 30 by
furiosity (HP, Harry/Draco, post-HBP) completed
Better Days part 6 by
murinae (Hikaru no Go, AU)
Wires series part 5: Severed by
tiggy_malvern (OUaTiM, El/Sands)
Vertigo chapter 8: Cock-tease by
jennavere (HP, Harry/Draco, AU, futurefic)
For Nothing, For Everything chapter 12 by
terrayndian (FFVIII, SeiferxSquall, AU)
Love's Tangled Web part 8a by
msgordo2 (SGA, McKay/Sheppard, AU)
Earth-Shattering part 3/? by
naiveprophet (X-Men, Rictor/Shatterstar, AU)
Quality of Mercy part 22 by
mistful (HP, Harry/Ginny, leanings towards Harry/Draco, post-HBP)
The Way We Get By 4/4 by
mistful (HP, leaning towards H/D, Draco/Katie), prequel to
Drop Dead Gorgeous Drop Dead Gorgeous part 5 by
mistful (HP, leaning towards H/D)
A Woman True and Fair chapter 24: Hot and Cold by
white_death (Howl's Moving Castle, Howl/Sophie)
I Wish I Was the Moon chapter 6: Mark My Words by
gafna (HP, H/D)
Chansons de la Mer part 6 by
tardis80 (SGA, fanart, McKay/Sheppard)
Weird As It Isn't last part of the
Not So Imaginary 'verse by
very_rotten (SGA, AU, McKay/Sheppard) complete
Teenage DirtBag 33/? by
suki_blue (BtVS, AU, Spike/Xander)
Next to NetGo 19/19 by
issen4 (Hikaru no Go, AU, Akira/Hikaru) complete from a few months ago, need to leave feedback, oops
And a bit of warning that I'm going to convert this journal into a personal/fandom journal. I still want to do fanfic recs, but they're not my main focus anymore. If you're interested in just fics, please watch my account or friend my rec only community,