(no subject)

Jul 06, 2007 16:34

Erm, just thought I'd get these WIP links up, so I have one less thing to do in order to get back to actually reccing things again.

WIP Update
All the Difference part 10/? by xparrot (SV, Clark/Lex. futurefic, AU) which I totally blame issen4 for pointing out
Brightly Burning Chapter 11: The Halcyon Days by aishuu (Hikaru no Go, AU) Still need to read
Before Peace - Chapter 30 by furiosity (HP, Harry/Draco, post-HBP) completed
Better Days part 6 by murinae (Hikaru no Go, AU)
Wires series part 5: Severed by tiggy_malvern (OUaTiM, El/Sands)
Vertigo chapter 8: Cock-tease by jennavere (HP, Harry/Draco, AU, futurefic)
For Nothing, For Everything chapter 12 by terrayndian (FFVIII, SeiferxSquall, AU)
Love's Tangled Web part 8a by msgordo2 (SGA, McKay/Sheppard, AU)
Earth-Shattering part 3/? by naiveprophet (X-Men, Rictor/Shatterstar, AU)
Quality of Mercy part 22 by mistful (HP, Harry/Ginny, leanings towards Harry/Draco, post-HBP)
The Way We Get By 4/4 by mistful (HP, leaning towards H/D, Draco/Katie), prequel to Drop Dead Gorgeous
Drop Dead Gorgeous part 5 by mistful (HP, leaning towards H/D)
A Woman True and Fair chapter 24: Hot and Cold by white_death (Howl's Moving Castle, Howl/Sophie)
I Wish I Was the Moon chapter 6: Mark My Words by gafna (HP, H/D)
Chansons de la Mer part 6 by tardis80 (SGA, fanart, McKay/Sheppard)
Weird As It Isn't last part of the Not So Imaginary 'verse by very_rotten (SGA, AU, McKay/Sheppard) complete
Teenage DirtBag 33/? by suki_blue (BtVS, AU, Spike/Xander)
Next to NetGo 19/19 by issen4 (Hikaru no Go, AU, Akira/Hikaru) complete from a few months ago, need to leave feedback, oops

And a bit of warning that I'm going to convert this journal into a personal/fandom journal. I still want to do fanfic recs, but they're not my main focus anymore. If you're interested in just fics, please watch my Del.ico.us account or friend my rec only community, shinra_recs.
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