Pet Shop of Horrors

Apr 03, 2006 14:05

There needs to be more Pet Shop of Horror fanfiction out there. Seriously.

Well, Pet Shop is a manga by Matsuri Akino and deals with a pet shop in China Town that sells anything your heart desires in the way of a magical creature. These pets aren't your ordinary run of the mill animals, though, and they usually take the form of the person that the owner covets the most. Sometimes appearing as a beloved child, spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, or childhood friend, these animals are meant to comfort and fulfill the desires of their owners. The only catch is that all of D's sales come with a contract that has to be adhered to. If Count D's customers break the contract (and they usually always do) then D can't be held accountable for the animals' actions. Leon Orcot comes into the picture as the Detective who takes it upon himself to prove D's involvement in his animals' grissly escapades.

There's also a four part OAV series available.
Manga: Free manga's list of Pet Shop links You need to be a member of the community to access
Anime: Boxtorrents link to the OAVs on BT

Puppy by supacat (ficlet, gen)
A Kami in the Heian Court by katharos_8 (oneshot, gen, crossover w/ Hikago)
Little Lion by cousin D (series, complete, gen, pre-manga, AU, Leon)
On Territory by Utopian Trunks (oneshot, shounen-ai, Leon/D)
Warm Chocolate and Habit by feather_qwill (drabbles, shounen-ai, Leon/D)
Paint it Black by aishuu (ficlet, gen)

Puppy by supacat (ficlet, gen) Leon confronts Count D on one of the various pets he's sold. What I really like about this ficlet is how supacat is able to keep that creepy, intense feeling that made Pet Shop such a great series.

A Kami in the Heian Court by katharos_8 (oneshot, gen, crossover w/ Hikago) A story of D in the Heian era where he's a little less jaded and out to get everyone. ^^

They were Kami and they were Chinese - the court seemed unsure which was cause for more awe. Or for more fascination. But then perhaps that was it - Sofu simply had more opportunities for indulgence here than he had in the wilds of China where they made their home. They had lived there since Sofu had taken D from his father, but Sofu had decided that his grandson needed to learn how to deal with humans other than the small villages near their home. The T’ang dynasty was finally fading, and Sofu and no wish for them to become entangled in the human power struggles that would surely result. They had travelled for a time, coming almost full circle and thus to Japan.

Little Lion by cousin D (series, complete, gen, pre-manga, AU, Leon) A little rough around the edge, this series deals with Leon meeting Count D as a child, and the two of them becoming friends. One of the more imaginative looks at the Pet Shop of Horrors universe, while this fic may be a little riddled with (author notes, and exaggerated h/c) it's still a very interesting read.

On Territory by Utopian Trunks (oneshot, shoounen-ai, Leon/D) Being a cop is all about instinct. All about your gut. That's a lot of what being an animal is about, too. So maybe Leon has more in common than he thinks... with Count D's pets, that is. Hm. How romantic.

Warm Chocolate and Habit by feather_qwill (drabbles, shounen-ai, Leon/D) Two drabbles that have very nice writing and just make me happy.

Paint it Black by aishuu (ficlet, gen) Leon thinks about Count D. aishuu probably doesn't want me to review her story, because I don't have many coherent comments to make about it, but it is a beuatiful look at how Leon sees D. I just love her writing.

I have more fics that I want to rec, but I'm too tired to write more reviews.

WIP Updates/Fic Links/Randomness:
Arc, pt 1/? by rageprufrock (SV, Conner Luthor), continuation of Conflicts of Interest and Visiting Hours
The Best Things in Life Are Free part 6A and 6B by smittywing (SGA, AU, McShep)
Pru's oddly compelling Lir'e series 1 2 3 by rageprufrock (SGA, John/OMC/OFC, general fucked up!ness)
Next to NetGo 2/? and 3/?by issen4 (HnG, AU, Akira/Hikaru)
Vertigo chapter 1 and 2 by jennavere (HP, post-HBP, H/D)
Random Fic Links:
Hatred (and Possibly Even Voldemort Himself) Will Bring Us Together by stellabelle (HP, humor, crack!, H/D)
Thirteen O'Clock by hth-the-first (SGA, Rodney/Ronon)
Fuzzy Duck Smell by devildoll (SGA, Rodney/John, crack!)
Fanart for rageprufrock's Bell Curve by mutecornett (SGA, John Sheppard)
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose by Synecdochic seriously, if you like SGA fic even a little bit, you have to read this (SGA, Rodney Mckay)
Metonymy (The Ragin' Meijin Remix) by Mousapelli (Hikago, 5 things, Touya/Shindou)
The Games of Wu (The Light That Never Goes Out Remix) by marksykins (Hikago, Shindou/Touya)

Randomness: I need more FMA fics to read. Not even necessarily slashy one. I just want good plot, hopefully dealing with anime continuity and no spoilers for the movie.

Plus I have a new doujinshi community up and running. It's hxh_doujinshi and is all about the sharing and discussion of Hunter x Hunter doujnshi. Come sign up and say hi! Don't mind the mind-numbing amount of uke!Gon ^^

pet shop of horrors

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