Random Harry Potter recs and sorry about the lack of in depth analysis.
The Sparrow Prince by
wayfairer (oneshot, gen)
A Soft Spot for Lost Causes by
helenish (complete, Ron/Draco)
Days Before by Rae (oneshot, Harry/Draco) first recced by
switchknifeIrresistible Poison by
iscaris (series, complete, H/D)
Snakes and Lions by
GatewayGirl (series, complete, H/D)
The Sparrow Prince by
wayfairer (oneshot, gen) One thing I really like about the HP fandom that you don't see much anywhere else is well executed fairy tale fanfiction. The universe lends itself well because you have aspects of the mundane and fantastical side by side and you can draw from either one. The Sparrow Prince is a beautiful example of this from Draco's prospective, plus I just love
wayfairer's work.
A Soft Spot for Lost Causes by
helenish (complete, Ron/Draco) Post-War, Draco Malfoy is recovered from a Deatheater stronghold and put into the care of Ron Weasley. Too bad he's still under a compulsion to crave sex. Hot and sweet, I love the progression from not wanting to have anything to do with each other to sex, sex, sex.
Days Before by Rae (oneshot, Harry/Draco) first recced by
switchknife Post-War. Everything for Harry and Draco is not tea and roses.
Irresistible Poison by
iscaris (series, complete, H/D) Um, I'm not sure why I'm bothering to rec this series. It's one of the must read H/D fics for the HP fandom and for good reason. When it first came out I can remember how anxious for new parts I was and how tortuous the weeks/months were. Great raw emotion from both Harry and Draco.
Snakes and Lions by
GatewayGirl (series, complete, H/D) Summary: When Ron and Hermione get together, they notice only each other. A nightmare prompts Harry to return alone to the empty Chamber of Secrets, and leads to a new look at an old enemy. Harry enjoys the company, but with Dominique LeStrange actively hunting him, how far can he trust a Death Eater's son? (H/D friendship -- progressing to mild slash) Sixth year. Rated R for unseemly behavior (drinking, stealing, and Dark Arts), occasional cursing (the non-magical sort), and a non-explicit, but icky rape/murder related by one of the characters in chapter 18.
WiP Update
Finding Sai 7/7 by
issen4 (Hikago) complete
Grey Part 21. Playing Blind by treneka (Hikago)
Shacking Up 29/32 by
entrenous88 (BtVS, S/X) The Spander amuses me, the rest...eh~
In from the Cold 22/26 by
reremouse and
camisha (BtVS, Xander/William, Xander/Spike)
Human Behaviour 10/? by
suzvoy (SV)
Random stuff that's been keeping me busy
Sukisyo Anime is done by aarinfantasy and co. It's cute, but a little too rushed at only 12 episodes.
snakes_laddersNo More Snakes and Ladders archived at
snakes_ladders by
reremouse and
tabaqui is an interesting post season 7 BtVS Spander fic. Currently at part 8.
Survival by
camisha (BtVS)