(no subject)

Feb 13, 2006 16:21

So umm.

Last night was interesting. I was sold off to Axel-san but then Kuja-san so technically he owes me now. :O I also own Cloud-kun. :O I better take good care of him, I'll have to give a cookie every time he's doing homework. :O I feel like a mommy.

Anywaaaay, Axel-san is evil, but good? I don't know yet. He's a....instigator (*adds points for using big word*) and so, he caused a lot of problems. Liiiiike, me having to buy Kuja a completely new lower torso. Hopefully Jenova-sama will teach him to be good. She's a very good mother! With tentacles. (I apologize for all experimentations that you might have gone through. We didn't think a head/pile of goo/squid-like woman would have children, and actually be ALIVE) I must bake extra extra cookies. If I could ever get to my kitchen...

Oh yeah. I am sorry Yazoo-hime got raped. T_T I will make him a giant pink cake with stars and sparklies for a get-well present since I already made Kuja his.

Maybe I'll make one for Axel-sama too. Since I dun think he's allllll bad. Maybe a good nickname. Homo nii-san will work ^^.

From your friendly cookie maker,
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