Hello, there stranger. Good news and bad news for you...
The bad news: This lj is locked, and exclusively friends only. Which means you need to have an lj account.
In the process of that, I will be demanding offerings of cute cuddly koalas, or at least a bribery of almond-milk ice-cream (I don't take dairy/eggs most of the time) parfait. You will endure a bunch of obstacle courses which will test your ninja skills in making french toast (using gluten-free bread with eggs substitute) whilst balancing a 5 months-old kitten on your head.
Finally, I'll evaluate whether your interests match mine. [Judging from the fancy japanesque name: I am very much into Japanese stuffs. So much that I go crazy all kamikaze and harakiri with it. I.E. Japan/Japanese culture & language are my interests.]
The good news: My long-gone Japanophile self aside, I'll probably still accept friends because I was just kidding about all of the above after the koalas. I can be very random and entertaining (self-praise, hooray, okay, no, I am not entertaining. I bitch a lot in my entries, ramble about my life which consists of food, music, art/design and of course myself.) when it comes to posting stuffs on my lj. Very tl;dr entries... Occasionally. But I am considerate in a sense that I always and I mean, ALWAYS put an lj cut if I know I am going to ramble away like an 80 year-old grandma with Alzheimer's.
Bottomline: Who uses livejournal nowadays, anyway? I am amazed you made it here. You should go reward yourself with a beef pie (I would recommend Mrs. Mac's, albeit I've gone off eating most meat pies nowadays). :D
- ウり子