(no subject)

Apr 28, 2007 02:25

So, uh, 'sup internet. How're you at this enjoyable time of night/morning?

Today, or technically yesterday, was another uneventful, boring, worthless day. I really hate Fridays, y'know? I don't like leaving my friends. Well, despite this, for some reason I was in a pretty good mood today. I dunno. I ran that by Jbond and he said it was the power of the Wii. I'm pretty sure he's right.
Instead of eating lunch in the cafeteria as normal, lunch was held outside on the side of the school. Apparently an annual event. It reminded me of the beginning of the school year, when I first met Michael, Karen, and the others -- but I'm sure they don't remember. I purposefully sat in the same spot, because I'm a loser who holds onto memories and never lets go. So, Laurel got a hold of some chalk, which I immediately stole from her, and went on to write DESU. This led on to me doodling my now-trademark ninja, and Laurel's fancy writing of 'ninja.' (Which, imho, I have mastered and improved upon~!) By the time we were done with the sidewalk in our immediate area, it was covered with desu, ninjas, warnings to not bother the ninja 'cos he's hiding, and claims that Phillip loves Daniel.
Then, fifth period. Trey has my lunch, so I ran into him a couple of times outside. He was surprisingly witty today, or I was easily amused, whatever, so the joke continued into class. One of the songs played outside was some techno song I do not remember, but Trey started dancing and whined about how Daniel did not have our same lunch. (It is not uncommon for Trey and Daniel to dance in class. Suggestively.) So he continued to whine about this in class, throwing a pencil at Daniel, as if it was his fault. I told him to leave Daniel alone, saying he'd probably murder Trey while he's not looking. That was oddly funny, so we elaborated. Daniel would ninja his way over to Trey, break his neck, hang his body from the ceiling, and no one would notice. I saw Daniel smiling while we were going on about this, which was very cute. I can only hope it wasn't a "my god they're so stupid" smile...
That's about the only remotely interesting things today. Daniel didn't talk to me today either. I don't think he's going to talk to me any time soon. I told Laurel this in world geo (indirectly, of course, I never say his name when others could be listening), and she suggested finding a ninja that would talk to me. :/ I didn't like that idea, so I went on to teach her how to say 'I am a ninja', 'You are a ninja', and 'Your mom is a ninja' in Japanese. For some reason, ORE WA NINJA cracked me up, so that killed about 10 minutes.
I was going to have to walk home, and was about to cross the first major intersection, when Derek drove up next to me and offered a ride. XD They were going to the grocery store first, though, and I had time to kill anyway, so I agreed to join them. Derek was simply getting some bread, but ended up spending $9 on candy. Sheesh!

When I got home, it was a rush to shower, dry my hair, straighten it (I'm going to have to go back over it, ugh), clean my room, etc. My mother and Jon's "drinking friends" came over for dinner. They are Canadians, just recently moved here. They have a daughter my age named Charlotte. My mother was intent on making us friends, I was not so keen.
It was awkward in the beginning, but I stepped up to the challenge and carried on the conversation. It also helped that we mostly sat around the adults, adding onto their conversation when necessary. They're pretty cool people, I guess. They want me to come over to their house sometime. Ironically, they also have a dog named Molly.
By the time they left, it was almost 1am, which meant GAME TIME.

Late yesterday night, I fought viciously with the Wii, attempting to connect it to the wireless. Jbond assisted me, for which I must thank him for putting up with my stupidity. I got it to pick up the wireless, but it doesn't like to hold the connection, so I've yet to get into the Wii Store to get the free Internet Channel. In the very least, the Forecast Channel is awesome.
After I got too frustrated to care anymore, I played Zelda. About my 4th time going through the opening scene, but I made my way into new territory quickly. Exciting stuff. I love it. I wish I had component cables, as I'm sure I'm losing a lot of the detail. And I still miss the original design of the Twilight Realm. This hazy, pixely black is cool and all, but snow was awesome. I still have the old screenshot of Wolf!Link and Midna in the snow... ): Maybe I should make it my desktop background again.
I continued playing again tonight. I'm right at the entrance to the Forest Temple. I hate to admit, but I get scared easily. The combination of the creepy Twilight Realm, the music and the night unnerved me, but I kept playing. I figure the temple will be worse, so I'm putting that off until I can play in the daylight.
General impressions? I like Midna a lot more than I thought I would. Wolf!Link is adorable and I love how he maneuvers. The story is overwhelming in its ingenuity. I love it, so very much. I can't wait to reveal more.

Almost finished with Lovers. I've got 18 - 20 left. Going to go watch 18 in a minute. Kang Jae and Mi Joo are finally together. Haha take that, Yu Jin~

This week went by really quickly... is it the weekend already? I swear to god just yesterday I was moaning about how I hate the weekend because of my isolation!

VerusMaya II
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