(no subject)

Apr 13, 2007 19:42

Today in a nutshell: school, party planning, tornado drama, and more party planning
Yesterday sucked, I wasn't in the best mindset so I avoided updating as it would have just been angst. The only thing worth mentioning was the one thing Daniel said to me all day: "Laughing suits you better."

So, today I put on my super special awesome happy mask and was as normal. I still don't feel it 100%, but hopefully in time I'll be able to go back to how things were. I was still trying to adjust in the morning, though, so when he joined us briefly in front of the library I avoided looking at him and forgot to do my traditional wave hello... I felt bad about that, and planned to run into him on the way to 2nd. It's a little difficult to time, though, so I got really lucky when we passed each other.
I stopped and said, "I forgot to wave to you this morning." and then waved. XD He was like "eh~?" and commented how he thinks my wave looks like I'm trying to cast a spell on him. I countered that he's just paranoid, and he agreed...
It felt so awkward. I feel very estranged from him now. I bet it's all in my head... but he did seem more willing to approach me today, now that I appeared to be back to normal. So in the very least he's slightly predictable...

In Spanish, he mostly stayed away from me, but then near the end of class, came and just stood in front of my desk. We talked a bit, he wasted my time with some Final Fantasy stuff, and I told him just that: that was a waste of my time. He asked if I was doing anything better with that time, and I responded that I was thinking. He wondered if it was productive thinking or not, and I admitted that it was going around in a circle. Eventually the conversation sort of awkwardly died and he stood there with his eyes closed.
Seriously. Just stood there. He mumbled he was tired, and I thought about giving my traditional "get more sleep, then" remark, but held it back.
Anyway, really cute.
It went on like that, an awkward silence. I asked him if he was coming to Clint's mall gathering tonight (it's Clint's birthday tomorrow), and he said no, he has work. So I attempted asking him, what work. Of course, he just dodged the question. Fine.
The bell was about to ring, so Chelsea came over and sat on my desk. Daniel snatched my book (Robot Visions by Isaac Asimov -- much thanks Jess, it rocks) and exchanged it with Chelsea's notecards. I asked him why he did that, why he stole my stuff. Everyone I asked has said it was flirting -- clearly, it's not, to him. So there's another reason. He dodged that fucking question too, so I demanded. "There's a reason for almost everything you do. So what's your reason for this?"
His response? "You'll find out in time." (paraphrased)
What a way to lead me on. I know better now. I'm not going to believe shit. Next time I get a chance to talk to him, I'm going to tell him straight up, "Tell me why you're doing this, now. I know what it's not -- so what is it really?" >_>;
He had rhetorical questions all the way to 6th period. Nonsense stuff, useless. I didn't hear half of it anyway. Didn't talk to him after that. He stood across the street from our gathering spot talking with another guy, then went off to the side of the school... I'll leave it at that, before my anger overtakes me.

So I get home, we're trying to plan transportation to go to the mall for Clint's party thing. Chelsea, Clint, Andria, and later her mother are all in a MSN convo. XD The problem at the time was that we were expecting a huge storm. Softball-sized hail and heavy rains and whatnot. My only chance to go was getting a ride from Chelsea, but she couldn't go if it stormed.
With all this freaking out, here I am thinking, "What the fuck it's a thunder storm who cares. We're not gonna have hail." So I voice this.
Couple minutes later, sirens.

Yeah, tornado warning. A tornado touched down not far from us. I run downstairs and ask what's up, it's starting to rain really hard, quarter-sized hail.
Jon is planning, okay, let's go into the closet under the stairs. My mother is being cynical, bitching at me to get downstairs. I, personally, am freaking the hell out. My cats. My cats are everything to me. I'm not going into a closet without my cats. My mother suggests putting the cats in the closet and we go in the master bedroom closet. Uh, yeah, NO. I'm not leaving my cats alone! My mother, at this point, is fuming, and runs upstairs telling me to get the fuck downstairs now. (her words) I start crying because, really, I'm hypersensitive, don't work well under severe pressure, and MYCATS!
Anyway, we move the cats into the master bedroom closet temporarily as Jon stands outside to survey the weather. It's starting to rain really hard. My mother calls Philip, advises him not to stand near glass, etc. etc.
Jon tells me to get ready to move the cats into the closet under the stairs. (At this point my mother gave in and agreed that we have enough room in there for us and the cats.) I'm freaking out again. The sky is almost black and then Jon tells me to move them. So I'm running back and forth, exhausted, I slipped and fell on the rug in the master bedroom. >_<; But, I got them into the closet, and sat in there with them. There I texted Jbond, because I don't like feeling alone. XD
After a couple of minutes of calming the cats (who by this time have been thrown around quite a bit), the storm seems to be calming down. I step outside a minute and my mother thinks it's passing, but she's always like that. I'm still hesistant, Jon is too.
Long story short, the storm did pass, the tornado diverted its path more southeastern, and north Dallas, low Richardson was left mostly unharmed.
Dramamamama. I've never been through a tornado, despite living in Texas, so this was as close as I've gotten so far.

I sit and watch the TV for a while, keeping up to date on the tornado's path, when Chelsea calls me and informs me everyone is back online and resuming planning for Clint's party. Alright, cool, I join them.
The plan now is that we're going to Andria's house, having some pizza. Chelsea is coming to pick me up any minute. My mother and Jon went out to dinner with our neighbors, so I'm home alone. XD;

I'm a little stressed out, there's cat fur all over my shirt, but there's not much I can do. Just gotta calm down.

And, she's here. I'm off. XD

VerusMaya II
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