(no subject)

Apr 02, 2007 23:42

Today started out well. Or, as well as multimedia can start the day off. Ms. Jones can be nice, but the majority of the time she's a huge bitch and if you do ONE THING WRONG she'll murder you right there. Sounds easy and fair, right? Wrong. Her directions are vague. Her examples aren't sufficient. Her tutorials are poorly presented.
>_<; Oh well.

Because I'm an obsessive and clingy and overall annoying person, I've purposefully started leaving class later at the end of 1st and 6th period, in hopes of running into Daniel. Today, I got lucky, and we ran into each other (literally) on the way to 2nd.
It seems all the biology classes are in the same hallway. So, we cross paths. I had stopped to get my 3D biology homework (a virus model, for those who care) out of my locker, and was on my way when I noticed him further down the hallway. I started focusing on my model, because I'm trying not to be too obvious. (For the record, it's not working.)
He purposefully ran into me. The hallway is large enough for 3 rows of people. We had plenty of space to pass each other and move on. But nope, he turned and 'ran into me.' By that, I mean he bumped his shoulder into mine, and told me to "watch where I'm going" with a [rather mischievous] smile on his face. XD;

In Spanish, we had a sub. We attempted to finish up our assignment from Friday, but that wasn't going so well. Daniel came up to my desk and asked me if I knew the answer to the last half of the packet. I hadn't even gotten that far, so I told him no. XD;
The sub was about to start a video, though, so Daniel just went ahead and sat down in the seat next to mine.
As a bit of backstory, Daniel is apparently double or triple-jointed. Whatever it is. He can bend his fingers in really awkward directions, and it looks painful to me, but he says it's not. I noticed he toys with them a lot, always cracking them in strange directions and knocking them on the desk, etc. So during the video, that was what he was doing.
I think he took pleasure in doing it, actually, because it just looks so painful to me, I don't exactly have a pleasant look on my face when I watch him mess with his fingers like that. (SERIOUSLY, it can't be healthy for his joints.)
I told him I could only think of one use for being able to bend his fingers like that, and it wasn't exactly school appropriate. He laughed. XD
Anyway, he knocked his knuckles on my head and my arm, popping his fingers. Creepy stuff I swear. The longer he toyed with his fingers the louder the cracks got.
Maybe I'm overly aware of this stuff, but I do believe I ask him many questions. I try to space them out, but sometimes I just need to ask. So, today, I asked him why he was absent a lot. He tried to dodge that, but with some careful re-wording, he answered correctly. Believe it or not, Daniel is in fact not a stereotypical azn. He doesn't do a lot of his work, forgets his work, has gotten detention, Saturday school, etc. So he has problems with that. He's smart, but just doesn't apply himself. His answer was that his workload reaches peaks at certain points, so he has to stay and work on them. To summarise: he skips school to finish his make-up work. (Which seems counterproductive to me, as by skipping he only gains more work. But hey, whatever works for him.) This explains his absence after our first phone call - he had complained about a project he was working on. I guess he never finished.
I also kept asking him if he was going to be at school on Thursday. I really want Jess to meet him. He wouldn't answer me, kept skimming the question with that same annoying [but cute] mischievous smile. Eventually I understood why: if he gave me an answer, he'd be bound to it. Okay, fair enough. But in the very least he could have given me a "maybe."
His lack of a response drove me to pulling him back from trying to go to 6th period by his backpack. In retrospect I was being a little too annoying, but, live and learn I guess.

He joined us outside after school, as did Derek, who went on to bother me. I tried hiding behind Daniel but that didn't exactly help. Michael was being unusually cruel, but that's probably just my hypersensitivity. His wit was more sharp and biting, in the very least.

And as the lj-cut said, Tuesdays are the worst. Absolutely.

I've actually got a busy week... Tomorrow, my mother and I are going shopping for more formal looking pants for me to wear on Easter Monday... :/ And hopefully I'll be able to pick up Hotel Dusk (if I'm lucky -- I'm not sure if it's easy to find or not) and preorder Pokemon Diamond. Wednesday, Philip is supposedly coming over for dinner. And Thursday, gaming club and Jess sleeping over. :O
I really wanna go to that Animepopshop that her and Gaby have been talking about (APPARENTLY IT HAS KAMEN RIDER STUFF OMG IN PERSON I NO RITE), but their original plans were to go on Friday, and on Friday I'm packing/leaving to the airport. x_x

Hay guyz if you go early in the morning I could probably join you k. ):

VerusMaya II
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