(no subject)

Mar 29, 2007 21:29

really long, btw
I learned at lunch that there was no gaming club today, because the teacher whose room it's held in was not there. So, boo. ): This depressed me a bit. I was really looking forward to it -- for obvious reasons.
Well, I went to Spanish, we sat around and did nothing as usual. Mrs. Stovall is the only teacher I've ever had who will let the class just talk the whole period, with random interjections of "come on, guys. let's work." Seriously. She lets us walk all over her. :/ I moved to sit in the open seat next to me, because I much prefer being in the corner than in the middle. Conveniently it gave me a better view of Daniel, haha. Since the class was talking the whole time he laid his head down for a while. After watching him do that for a couple of minutes I got tired myself and laid my head down too. Except by then, it was almost the end of the period and everyone was getting up. I knew he was standing right in front of my desk, and I was right when I looked up. Haha, sheesh.

So I was kinda lost on what to do without gaming club, but thankfully Andria saved me by asking me to come to the library with her and Clint, as she wanted to show me a flash she was working on. Okay, sure. We stood around for a while looking for Clint, took him a long time to show up. Derek had gone to the library for biology tutoring, Chelsea had left, and I had no clue where Daniel was. XD
We headed for the computers in the library when lo and behold, Daniel was at the table next to the row of computers. XD Must be nice to have all that free time after school. (Although personally, I wouldn't be too thrilled on walking home every day. That distance is daunting...)
I didn't exactly want to leave my friends, so I decided to get on the computer anyway. Matt showed up later on and sat at the computer next to me.
I spent my time on Rangerboard, HJU, and Nintendorks. I don't do much else on the computer -- forums, lj, wiki, MSN, watch toku. *shrug*
Eventually Daniel moved to sit against the little barrier between our row of computers and the one behind us. So Andria was digging around in her RO files on her flash drive, Clint was on some website I didn't recognise/couldn't see, Matt was watching AMVs, and I was being a loser on HJU spazzing over Den-O/Ryou. Haha.
I forget what caused it, but all of a sudden Daniel came up and ruffled my hair! Srsly! With the cutest smile on his face too~ I'm pretty sure he was making some witty comment, but... wow I'm surprised I don't remember. Anyway, it really caught me off guard. Daniel isn't exactly the type of guy who touches people. That sounds awkward, but bear with me. Other than his gay antics with Clint, he really doesn't do anything with anyone. So I'd like to imagine this one motion speaks volumes.
The rest of the time was spent making jokes at eachother's expense. I keep joking about writing a yaoi/sci-fi fic of Daniel and Clint. Just as how Daniel is the bisexual ninja, Clint is the neck romancer. Think about it for a minute. Necromancer. Neck romancer. I know, it makes me lawl. So there's a process of how Clint eats the flesh of other people via their neck, blah blah blah. I came up with the idea, got the specs on Clint's spiky necklace of flesh-stealing, etc. But I'm too lazy, I don't think I'll ever get around to writing it. Anyway, a couple of jokes were centered around that. Haha.

Andria had to leave, and not long after that the library was closing. (About 30 minutes earlier than we would've left gaming club.) So we all evicted ourselves to stand outside the school, waiting to be picked up. (I'm so glad Daniel borrowed Clint's cell to call his parents -- I'd be distraught if he was walking home in this stormy weather.)
Anyway, perverted jokes ensued. Seriously. Daniel made fun of what I told him when I first got my 12" Faiz figure. "It's 12 inches and really sexy." Oh come on, mr. azn... XD
And I asked him to speak in Korean for me. It really does sound a lot better, much more natural with his deep voice. I'm a bit curious on exactly what he said -- but I suppose it doesn't really matter.
When my mother finally arrived I made a comment like, "Well, crap." I mean, seriously. I don't wanna leave. T_T; Daniel made a comment on that, something like how I like being around two guys? Two perverted guys? And I told him, yeah, I enjoy being around my friends. (Hey, not like I could tell him I want to stay because of him...) He responded much to the effect of, "Friends?" I said, "Are you not my friend?"
He faked being offended, sort of scoffed at that. XD "Well excuuuse me." My mother had just driven up at that time so I said he was excused. Haha. The line from the Office immediately popped into my head: 'I want to be more than that.' Aww, Jim...
So yeah I didn't wanna go j 3j Gee thanks a lot for being on time, mom.

Bah, tomorrow's Friday. :/

(5:50 PM) Jason: This is so unlike males around you
(5:50 PM) Jason: XD
(5:51 PM) [ VerusMaya² ]: haha what do you mean
(5:51 PM) Jason: i've never seen a male
(5:51 PM) Jason: show...
(5:51 PM) Jason: such affection for you.
(5:51 PM) Jason: and that make me lawl

Honestly, my self-esteem can't believe it either. Which is why I tend to drift towards the negative side when I try to figure out what his actions mean. Curse you, self-esteem!

Re: Ryuki 9 - 11
Holy crap this got to be the most subtexty KR I've seen yet, with maybe the exception of the second half of Blade. Sheesh, Shinji, when you're comforting your fellow friendly enemy Rider, YOU DON'T GRAB HIM AT THE WAIST. Especially if he doesn't remember you.
Not like I'm complaining or anything. Just, y'know, pro-tip.

Re: Den-O 9 [sub]
Uwah <3 I enjoyed this ep a lot more second time 'round, probably because I wasn't paying much attention when I watched the raw at 3am Sunday morning.
I really like Kintarous' voice. Haha. That friendly giant thing he has going on is cool. Not all Imagins are bad, k Hana? D: My favorite has still got to be Ura, though. With Momo in close second. Kin is nice so far, but Momo and Ura are just... ^o^/ Crack OTP to boot!
Owner keeps mentioning the flow of time and not to change it. I've got a feeling this is foreshadowing, they're pretty much beating us over the head with it by now.
Lots of build up in this episode. I'm growing to like Double Action Rod Form. C'mooon April 4th! Gimme that single now plzkthx.

lady-mercury is awesome and is putting together a Takeru Satou fanbook. I've got to come up with some good fanart for him, and maybe write him a letter... ^^; Now that I've finally got a chance to tell a toku actor how they've got fans in other parts of the world [like I've always wanted to do], I have no clue what to say... Ack!

VerusMaya II
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