Feb 28, 2006 18:25
God i hate my damn life. Now i understand why my uncle always says life sux. He probably went through the same shit as my brother did and all this stupid shit. I wish all this bullshit never happened. Where's God when you need him? That's probably one of the reasons why Joe might convert... Well Peter thanks for being there and shit during that crap. It probably wasn't a surprise to you and shit since you've been through it already. Well, there was some humor in this since Peter told us what happened with Rawnee and shit lol. God that gave me some good laughs, enough to forget about some of this. Well i hope this crap doesn't happen in the future. Once again Joe, i can't stress how much I love you as my brother and everything. Don't you ever forget that or me. I mean hate mom and dad, but love them since they're your birth parents. I'm pretty sure how you feel about them, since that's how i feel sometimes. I'm sure that i probably haven't felt about how you feel since they disowned you... That's already wrong. You're never supposed to give up on your child, and i know i never will with my children. Well, I wish i can play some GunZ to get my damn mind off this shit. BEST BE ON GUNZ ONLINE MY NIGGUH RAWNEE.