Baby Gabby update and ramblings

Aug 10, 2010 11:49

  • I want to thank you all for the prayers and positive vibes and thoughts for my friend's baby.  The operation went really well. The baby is now recovering. She is still in the hospital but doing very well.  It was a very scary ordeal for the family and the friends.  She is a darling little baby.

  • You know I cant  believe that soon i will be 33 years old. It is so weird because I don't really feel that old. I mean I still feel like I am in my 20's late 20's. 

  • I am stressing this week. One of my clients is getting audited. I think the reason is because he earns a shit load of money but hasnt filed his 08 or 09 incometax. They are auditing 2006, 07, 08 and 09.  WTF.  I am not doing her 08 or 09 cuz I had waayyyyyyyyyy to many projects. But I did do  06 and 07.  I am not worried over 07 but 06 does have me stressing cuz in the hurricain they lost alot of the receipts *headdesk*
  • i havent slept well since sunday.  augh.

  • I wonder if the IERO twins will be born soon.; WOuldnt it rock if they were born on my bday? :)

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