why do vacations have to end?

Jul 20, 2010 19:32

Sunday I left new jersey with a sad heart because I left the love of my life penceyprepster  back there. :(  I miss her tons! we had an awesome time.  We didnt like do shit loads of stuff but the stuff we did. i have tons of fun doing and just relaxing and being with her was awesome.

We went to great adventures uh it rained on us like a bitch the whole time lol but i still had fun.

Then we went to atlantic city for some light gambling.  We all lost :(  but its allright I was with good company and drinks. Though i did get stared at by a waitress cuz i didnt know we were suppose to tip them. SUE ME SORRY lol! OH OH and At the casino and This old lady asked me to move cuz I was standing too close to her and she was supersticious wtf  We then tried to sabotage her game. ahahaha naw kidding.


I went bowling for the first time in my life!  Did ok i think. I want  to try this again.

Watched zombieland \0/ best movie eva!!!  ummm went to the movies and saw knight and day. Pretty good too.

went to some concerts! *WARPED TOUR AND THE YOUNG VEINS!!!! *Separate post on that.

Went to this awesome zoo! Will post pics on second or third post!

Saw my grandma! We got mad lost yo! not gonna lie we were bout to just cry!!!!

  my grandma and her sister
 me and my grandma!

Went to dinner with hopes family! (ooooh I need the pic she took of us!)

Met her brother's adorable doggie!!! MILES!!!

Got to see BO and jay and jake. (i alwasy confuse the cats names)!

Drank! some awesome   drinks!  Mango water ice + vanilla rum + vanilla ice cream. Need to find out if we have Mango water ice in houston.

Think we did some more stuff but i cant remember but just being with Hope was the best vacation ever.  I LOVE YOU BB And I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!.


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