Sep 25, 2006 20:22
So I received an invitiation to McKenzie's and Allison Dziuba's joint 17th birthday party. Whoever wrote the invitations (no offense to whoever did -_-) really had a lot of time on their hands.
"Mr. E. Aniag-
You are Cordially Invited to Allison Dziuba and McKenzie Gibson's Seventeeth Birthday Celebration, to be held on the Twenty-First of the Month of October, in the Year Two Thousand and Six, from the Hour of 7 Post Meridian to the Hour of 11 Post meridian. You are requested to attire Yourself in the Manner of an Historical Figure, One not of the Current Era."
I hate themed birthday parties. Not to mention I have no idea what to get either of them as a present...
I was thinking of being Vivaldi, but wearing dumb wigs doesn't really appeal to me, and I don't have red hair either.
Then I considered being Jesus, but I felt that was too over-the-top. Not to mention some people believe that Jesus is still alive, anyway.
I dunno. The writing fromt he invitation made me feel like it should be someone from the Renaissance or colonial times. Maybe I'll be William. But I don't wanna wear poofy pants T_T;
I really should find out who else is going, first.
In other news, I hope Interact can manage to do the Dominican Republic thing. I'm actually interested in going on that trip. I love how the minority of the club will actually be able to utilize their Spanish on the trip... And I might just skip my last Driver's Ed class and go to the Model UN thing. On the plus side, it will get me hours for Interact! We shall see.
I am definitely looking forward to the 4 day weekend.
So I was talking to Shrutika today after school, and we were talking about class valedictorians. What a depressing topic. She was like "So, are there any clear-cut valedictorians in your class?" and I was like "Yeah...Allison Dziuba...", and she went on to describe each of the 3 candidates for valedictorian in her class: Sophie, Caroline Figgatt, and James Winter. I think I'll stop here before I go off an start cutting myself in a dark alleyway with a piece of rusty scrapmetal that I found in a dumpster.
The Saint-Saëns Concerto is pretty tough, but once I master it, it will sound awesome (Rachel: it's the one I was telling you about before with the double-stops and stuff), and will most definitely be an ostentatious-y piece that I can play.
Definitely looking forward to German on Wednesday. I definitely need more practice with the spoken stuff, ESPECIALLY if I'm gonna consider taking the actual AP Exam this year...And I also found out that there is, in fact, and AP Bio class that meets periods 1/2, so my schedule might actually work out next year with me taking 5 APs.
I've taken Columbia and Georgetown off of my college list. They are simply too expensive; there's nothing really bad about the schools themselves. Well, technically I haven't officially taken them off my list (I have a complex Excel spreadsheet with my college list on it)...I'm just going to be really critical when I go visit them, and unless they have something astonishingly amazing there, they'll most likely be the first 2 to go.
This has been quite a rambly entry. Even though I really didn't have anything to say...