
Jan 20, 2009 00:00

NAME/ALIAS: Serena/Fin
AGE: 17
OTHER CHARACTERS IN THIS RP: guuuuuuuuuh....... bad girl, himawari, creed, eve, tenma, koyomi, roy, shiba, thorfinn, suu, undertaker

SERIES: Peacemaker Kurogane
NAME: Yamazaki Susumu
GENDER: Male, but he makes a damn good cosplayer crossplayer chick.
AIM SN: inurclosets
CANON AGE: Early twenties, assumably. CROSS AGE: 23

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PERSONALITY: Overly calm, no matter the given situation. It is rare that one will ever spot Susumu react in aggression, sadness or ever happiness for that matter as he seems to keep his top priority to stay focused no matter what. He is kind and generous when the situation calls for such, but in reverse he can also be unsympathetically ruthless.
One can never be sure what he is thinking as Susumu is the type to keep to himself and respond only when spoken to. He seeks nothing more then doing the best at what he is capable of and improving to benifit not only his collegues but himself. Strong and sharp-minded, Susumu is a combination of something deadly and something sweet. A flower with poisonous thorns that keeps his safe guarded until something daring enough can approach.
Also, Susumu can easily pull off the quiet and calm charm quite accurately. He often uses this to his advantage if so asked by his superiors. In other words, if you carry some form of authority over him, he is loyal, trusting and quite leaniant when it comes to any sort of innapropriate behavior.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF APPEARANCE: Suzumu carries the traditional Japanese description, dark brown hair, slanted eyes which are also dark brown and paled yellow skin. His hair is often spiked up some what unnaturally, but follows the collar cut military rule if you neglect that top bit. He keeps to traditional garbs when in his leisure but does not mind something a little out there from time to time. He's not choosey about what he wears in public, so long as it is flexible enough for him to go about his duty with ease. Raver clothes, uniforms, drag, he looks good in just about everything he tries on.
BRIEF IN-GAME HISTORY: The cold calm features of this man can easily be matched up to his history, as he was made an orphan at an early age. He and his sister were abbandonned when he had reached the age of seven, old enough to look after themselves but not when it came to fianances. So they where placed in a shelter, looked after by a group of adults while staying with other children in similar situations until they could be properly adopted.
Susumu was very quiet when it came to others confronting him with whatever issues they may have held. He never spoke back, he never raised his voice but one way or another he found himself in a fair share of fist fights and challenges. Most of these fights ended in his own loss regardless of the physical strength he holds. Rarely has he raised a fist unless it was under the order of someone in a position higher than his own, however if such a situation was to rise, his sister would often come in to break it up. Over the years of strenious conflicts and little to no success with adoptions, the two were old enough to move out on their own. Susumu had hardened into an obediant young adult, while his sister had taken the lead in other forms of business. The two were close without really being close at all, often switching roles and taking up odd jobs to pay the bills, gaining more strength and a better standard of living. Susumu eventually applied for a part time job as a Night-time patrol officer and a traffic controller during the day. When the odd jobs started to become more demanding, they made deals with the wrong people and Susumu's sister ended up dead. He never believed such an event was his fault until a younger boy who had made friends with said sister seemed to prove him otherwise. Since that confrontation, he has never able to completely forgive himself for such carelessness, nor has he been able to completely agree with himself on being a brother to the woman who looked after him so kindly. To properly apply himself in ways that would benefit others and stray his mind away from the misery it holds, he has taken the opportunity to move to Cross. He hopes to recieve further education and a job where he may be able to stop the same thing from happening from somebody else.
There was nothing that could ever be more refreshing in the morning then a cup of tea. Green tea would have been the best choice for the japanese man, but when it was a flight overseas, there was little room for options.
"Coffee or Tea?" The flight attendent asked, her smile glowing almost as prominently as the suns.
"Ti," he stated calmly, having been awake for sometime. He had managed to keep himself busy most of the flight by completing crossword puzzles and improving his English.
The woman poured him a glass and handed it over rather carefully, making sure she wouldn't spill it over him or what he was working on, "Would you like toast and jam or cereal?"
He took a moment to process the words before making his reply, "Si-ri-aru, preezu."
She set a bowl of cereal down on the plastic pull-out table, next to the tea. Soon enough, the milk followed into the bowl.
"There you go."
"Sank you."
The woman continued on down the narrow ille, serving out breakfast to those who were awake. Susumu returned to his crossword while casually picking at the meal before him, but all the more enjoying that tea. Two sleeping bodies to his left, he glanced over them to have a look at the scenery. A vast ocean, covered by the clouds that the plane continued on through. It was majestic and serene in it's very own way.

livejournal, welcome

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