Let's see I got back from Korea October 15th.
-Overall the trip went well, everyone else already knows but I finally got to meet Wheesung, and that was all thanks to his wonderful and awesome Korean fans!
Wheesung was every bit of hot that I expected him to be in real life^^ and he was really sweet and nice as well, he's really good to his loyal fans, as they are to him! I got to see him, perform at three different times that weekend that I meant him.
Some of the ladies from his fan club keep in contact with Wheesung's managers, and some kinda of way they sat up the fan meeting. My friend that came with me to Korea didn't stay to meet him, because sadly she isn't a fan, too bad for her...anyways after watching Wheesung perform live at KBS, stayed and hung around some of the fan, and we stayed and had lunch with them, that's when my friend kept getting bored, so she eventually left, which I was really happy that she left, because she was ruining my moment and time with the girls!
A few hours later, meant some more of the fans they were really surprised to see me, an American fan there for Wheesung, they were really cute and funny!
We stood around the KBS for awhile...no one in the group really spoke that much English but I wasn't expecting them too after-all this is Korea, English is not their first language. But it was all good because we were all reunited for our love for Wheesung! We left the KBS and walked around to the back where the Celebs leave, and we got to some place and we stopped and just stood there. I had no clue what was going on, but I was just going alone with it. Not too sure how time had passed but I was actually getting impatience, and I started thinking that Wheesung wouldn't come out. I was pushed to the front, and then the next thing I hear is people cheering, and one of the ladies saying there he is...he's so short *lol*
Next thing I knew there Wheesung was standing a few feet away from us. I seen him look over at me too. It wasn't a bad look, just maybe a curious glance.
He started talking to all of us...then the next thing I know one of the girls starts talking to him about me in Korean, and he walks over to me. So then I proceeded to ask him "Can I take a picture with you?" His response "So you wanna take a picture?" My response "Can I?" He agrees and then I walk over to him and hand one of the girls' my camera, she was too shy or something so I handed it off to another girl. Wheesung puts his arm around me :) and we take the picture. I told him "Thank you!" he reaches out to shake my hand, which for some reason took me by surprise, and suddenly many of the girls reach out and start rubbing my hand. *lol*
Wheesung moved back over to the center, and then he began talking for a few minutes about his new album, then he introduced his managers, one of them who I also took a picture with! Before I knew it Wheesung said his goodbyes, and he looked at me and smiled and waved!
We all left and all the girls wanted to see the picture, and we kept talking about the fanmeeting, and how awesome it was. When we got to the subway stop, there was a poster that had Wheesung on it, and they took down both of the poster. The girls had a guilty change of heart, and they put one poster back, and guess what they gave the other poster to me as a gift!! How freaking awesome and totally sweet of them!
We got to see Wheesung perform his new single live @ KBS that day. Then the next day I got to see Wheesung not once but twice the next day which was Saturday. We got to see him perform at MBC Dream Center, and then at Dream Concert. So much Wheesung, and I was loving it! It was so awesome being with his Korean fans they have so much love and admiration for him! They were so freaking nice to me, they gave me so many Wheesung goodies, and I got to finally meet my friend that I had been emailing for some time, she is one of the managers of the wheesungland. She was freaking awesome, she speaks perfect English, it was so nice being able to really get to know Wheesung from one of his Korean fans!
I still try and keep in contact with her, hopefully we'll get a chance to meet again in the near future!
That was my little adventure meeting Wheesung, now I can cross that off of my things to do list, that I made earlier this year! I'm so happy that I didn't end up fainting or acting like a total fan girl, which inside I was, I was trying to be relaxed and cool! I kept my composure! Although Mr. Realslow seemed a bit shy and nervous, so much, I guess he's not really used to being that up close and personal with his fans. Then again I just think that he is that way with people he isn't all that close too!
But, whatever he was nice to me and all the other fans, which was awesome, so either way, I meant him and know he has at least seen me and knows me somewhat know!
Sometimes I wish... posted on
* Feb. 11th, 2009 at 9:30 AM
Sometimes I wish...
that I could meet Wheesung and get it over with! :)
that I were finished with college already...its been over 71/2 years and I'm still working on my undergraduate degree :( I actually finish this way back in May!
One of Wheesung's managers
Wheesung swag I got from some great friends and fellow Wheesung lovers!
T-shirt Wheeoppa designed and his diary/book he wrote^^
Hehe Merry early Christmas to me^^
The End!