some interesting things

May 14, 2009 05:06

Totally had a brain fart after coming home today. All of the homework I meant to do I couldn't process in my head and I just kind of farted around all day.

The neighbor man helped us moved what was left of our cherry blossom tree that was cut up for firewood (because it died) and apparently people stole most of it off of our yard. Blame it on my stupid cousin and her husband for their cheap labor that makes up in their expensive stupidity. Um. He stayed over for dinner. His name is Michael and he is this old Canadian man who lives with his wife, Jane, below us. They have no children and have a dog. We've never really ever had white old people at our house and the discourse at dinner time was interesting.

My mom for some reason speaks really bad English to him for some reason. I know she is capable of speaking better and it doesn't make sense to me. The man asked me a question that kind of blew my mind because no one ever asked me anything like that, and not in front of my parents. He took note that I speak english with what he called, an "american accent". He asked me how my vietnamese was compared to my english. I wasn't going to say I speak vietnamese well because I don't. The question he asked me allowed me to indirectly converse with my dad about the whole second generation lifestyle/ assimilation aspect. We don't discuss these things on the fly, you know? After I replied that my vietnamese wasn't as strong as my english, I threw in also because I'm too americanized. He turned to my dad and asked how my vietnamese was. My dad said my vocabulary is small, pretty much. He said also that it wouldn't be too long before total assimilation occurs after two or three generations down the line. I agree with that. And he said that it is probably a good thing, which surprised me. But I guess I shouldn't have been now that I think about it because my dad was always more open to new ideas of change compared to my mom, who is stuck in "her country". But I'm not saying that's bad. You just have to understand which way of thinking is the correct way of thinking in the situation you're in. I dunno. So I felt like me and my dad communicated on a topic that doesn't really ever come up.

Oh. And along with that theme, yesterday I finally declared my major! I'm going for American Ethnic Studies for sure. :)

I tried to write a paper due on Friday on my computer but ended up looking back at old pictures of myself. Something I noticed was that I've always seemed to struggle on finding the right hair style for me. I liked it cut short but there was something about it also that I didn't like. And then how I used to tie it back all the time- I really hated how that looked too. When I was really young my mom cut it even shorter and made me look like a boy for a long time. I think I like the way it is now. But I dunno. Sigh.

And my eyebrows! All I can ever think about is my eyebrows. I watched my mom pluck hers when I was a baby and I copied her and really effed up the ends of my eyebrows. I mean I think they look nice in the first half but then it gets all scraggly everywhere and I don't know where to start to fix it. Its embarassing and I think if I just get that fixed, I will be able to wear my hair so that I don't have to have bangs all the time to cover them up!

Lol. Like I was thinking maybe I could just keep the good halves and take out the rest. Or just make it not scraggly but then the ends would be all.. Minimal and I don't feel for minimal eyebrows. Ew. Haha. I dunno. We will see. I keep on thinking about it now because on sunday, I had dinner with hai and his mom and her friend and one of hai's cousins, tina. She is like 11 and I think she is so sweet because she looks up to me. It is odd to me though because I've never interacted with younger girls to serve as a model. Like after we ate, the both of us walked to a pet store that was closed and instead went to rite aid. I guess she lead me to the cosmetic aisle and I honestly don't know anything about make up. She talked to me about fake eyelashes and all I could come up with was a story about daveanna on halloween wearing really heavy eyelashes... Lol and we looked at earrings and necklaces and I like earrings but most of the time I'm too lazy to coordinate with them or I end up losing them. :( like I somehow lost my stud on my right ear so now I've got two studs in my left and nothing in my right. Too lazy. Lol. Omg I just realized the whole time I've been talking about her now is because she got her eyebrows waxed and they look so so so good! I was jealous! I need to overcome embarassment and just get it over with and get it professionally done.

But no monies.
Puff Daddy and the Notorious BIG were right. Mo money mo problems.

Lol goodnight
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