
Jan 31, 2004 09:07

Okay, its really wierd. When i logged on and looked at my journal my background page was really blurred and had a wierd line across it and i traced the problem back to my image hosting site, but it was only that one pic, so i deleted it and uploaded it again. It was fine until i refreshed the page and it went blurred again, SO i registered as a new user on the hosting site, changed the pics name and then uploaded it, seems to be okay now but if it comes out blurry to anyone please tell me. Blurry to the extent of the writing in the top left becoming completely illegible and a mass of blue smears and wierd white lines near the bottom.

Still, it reminded me, Seifer pic! Anyone like Seifer from FF8?
http://venus.walagata.com/w/sasukeuchiha/scan0003.jpg Seifer!! Hes the bestest ever, dont know where id be without my trusty Xploder cheat cd. *hugs cheated Seifer on disk 4* *also hugs cheated Shana and Lavitz from the Legend of Dragoon incase they feel left out*

My poor dog! He has a total everything phobia when hes outside seeing as hes still a puppy hes still totally timid, which he shouldnt be for a larger than average German Shepard *shrugs* Anyways, my mother took him out really late at night last night because its really quiet for him and everything 'was' nice and quiet until..a large man came running past followed by 3 policemen, then 2 police vans came driving down the alley and swerved up, blocking him in and all the sirens were going and my mother and Ky were stuck in the middle of it as the guy tried to fight all the policemen and lost. When she came back up she was in total laughing fits, poor Ky used 'Freak out No Jutsu' and his eyes were wide as anything. Poor Ky!! *hugs him tight!* Of all nights for that to happen, in all possible places. Ky's first police bust, lets hope it doesnt give him any ideas seeing as german shepards are widely used as police dogs. He'd make such a good ninja, he's as black as night. Its really scary when i get up for a drink in the middle of the night i look round in the kitchen and all i can see is two shining white fangs xD although he does trip over himself alot and when hes running he misjudges his stopping distance and crashes in to things. He bit one of the townie twins once for jumping in front of him, screaming like an idiot and waving his arms.

Today is going to be super boring. I think ill finish reading that Star Ocean 2 manga, its fantastic. i might even do 2 updates today. :O i wonder if the Naruto episodes downloads are working today? *runs to site*
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