Whoa. I had one of the most emabarrsing events ever at work xD
Customer dude: *walks up to counter with a bag*
Me: Hi there ^_^
Dude: ...sex
Me: O_O
Dude: ...sex
Me: I'm sorry, we dont sell that here.
Dude: No, theres sex in the bag.
Me: >_>;;;;;; Uhhh.....okay....
Dude: o_O?
Me: Umm...
Dude: Sex pig ears in the bag, mate.
Me: *realises he has a northern accent* OHHH, you mean SIX!
Dude: o_O Yeah?
Me: *dies*
So yeah.
Downloading 4 Suikoden sound tracks right now, even though the ONLY one I want is Mysterious People, the Alma Kinan bgm from Suiko 3 because WOW, that is the most beautiful tune ever created. Today i went 'retro' at work. *turned shirt collar up*
Dexter Holland actually is THE sex. (Thats the vocalist from The Offspring, just incase someone out there doesnt know of his godly..ness)
Bollard actually IS a word! So im not crazy.
Warning, for those of you fed up with me filling out ridiculous surveys, do not click. I stole this from Rin (shadownofanbu). I cant be bothered to find out how to do the linky name thing again, I always forget it. This is where we do the LJ cut.
Echo: LJ cut LJ cut LJ cut
1. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: Guys: Blonde, Girls: Oh good, not too much make-up
2. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: Definatley
3. Would you marry for money?: Never. Marriage is a sham
4. Have you had braces?: No, but I could do one day, I have a vampire fang that grew over an old canine so it sticks out a bit when I smile. I prefer to call it my anime fang xD
5. Do you pluck your eyebrows?: No?
6. Do you ever cut or hurt yourself?: Not on purpose xD
7. When was the last time you had a hickey?: I havent. If anyone ever tried i'd be like "What the hell are you doing!?"
8. Could you live without a computer?: No way!
9. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc..?: MSN. Sometimes AIM but theres only 2 people I will ever talk to on that.
10. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: 2 on AIM xD MAX knows for msn, im not signed in, about 20-25?
11. If you could live in any past time period, which would it be?: When dragons were around
13. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: I usually wear them. I'm a rebel, I am.
14. What is your favorite fruit?: Cherry
15. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: I'll eat anything once its got peanut butter on
16. What is your favorite place to visit?: One Stop
17. What is the last movie you saw?: About 40 minutes of Practical Magic. Go on, laugh!
18. Do you kiss on the first date?: If he was blonde or she didnt have much make-up. xD No, it depends on who it is.
19. Are you photogenic?: :/
20. Do you dream in color or black and white?: Tons of colour. Hippyvision
21. Are you wearing fingernail polish?: No?
22. Do you have any dimples?: No. I have a blue watch though. It has a light
23. Do you remember being born?: I remember Bucky O'Hare
24. Why do you take surveys?: I love them
25. Do you drink alcohol?: No.
26. Did you like or do you like high school?: I hated it.
27. What is the most beautiful language?: Cave-manese
28. When you are asleep do you like being kissed awake?: o_o Dude, thats wierd.
29. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: Sunset, its prettyful.
30. Do you want to live to be 100?: Oh god no, i'd be feeble and shaky and couldnt feed myself and id bother the young man at the pet shop and ask if he has any nuts to feed my tits. I dont like the thought of being old.
31. Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair?: They can do whatever the hell they like if its their bodies.
32. Do you like salty food or sugary food the most?: SUGAR
33. Is a flat stomach important to you?: No, not at all. Although i draw the line at people that have to be lifted from their houses by cranes.
34. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?: No, but id like to try...
35. Are you loyal?: Yes.
36. Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs?: Only until they get fanatical.
37. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: Off.
38. Do you believe in magic?: :O YEAH!!
39. Do you have nightmares frequently?: Not really, but I have the WIERDEST dreams.
40. Do you like your nose?: We get on okay, but we have a few domestic disputes over certain types of music.
41. Do you like abstract art?: :/...uhh....depends on the individual piece really
42. Do you think you can draw well?: Yeah ^___^
43. Do you listen to music daily?: Usually I do.
44. Do you like to watch cartoons?: :O Hell yeah. Espescially anime, but I do love cartoon networks trademarks
45. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?: w...what!?
46. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: 2
47. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: Same, unless im doing something that doesnt involve getting filthy, which my activities usually do.
48. Do you write poetry?: No
49. Do you snore?: I dont think so?
50. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: I sleep in every position possible, even upside down with my legs up against the wall. Dont ask >_>
51. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?: Rottweiler. He'd be called MR PUPPY HEAD >:O
52. Do you lick stamps?: Dude, its the 0'ties. Stamps are self adhesive now.
53. Do you use an electric can opener?: No, We dont have such inventions here
54. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?: No but I rode the armchair once and pretended it was a winged horse.
55. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: Well, you wont die instantly from emotional pain....oh wait, Ameena from Star Ocean
Dion: *dies*
Ameena: :O *dies*
56. Do you think balding men should shave their heads?: Yeah, do yourselves a favour.
57. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?: I dont think so.
58. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?: Violin. Yellowcard <3
59. Are you a sex addict?: xD No way
60. Do you know someone who has cancer?: No, and I hope I never will. :/ Thats sounds kinda mean but you know what im getting at.
61. Do you hunt?: I hunt blonde guys >:D
62. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?: Whichever is closer
63. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?: Zoo. Monkeys XD!!!
64. Do you have a middle name?: Joseph
65. Are you basically a happy person?: Yeah ^___^ <-- happy
66. Are you tired?: Yeah, its waaaay past my evening nap.
67. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?: I drank a sugar free Red Bull
68. Have you ever met anyone off the internet?: No, but theres very few people I ever would. Maybe...3. xD
69. How many phones do you have in your house? 2. Both suck. I hate phones.
70. How long is your hair?: Its not long, its not short. Go to 2 posts ago and see for yourself.
71. Do you get along with your parents?: I do. I get on with most people, even family, if i try.
72. What color of eyes do you prefer?: I love green eyes, but blue is nice.
73. Are you an active person?: Yeah, how the hell do you think i stay 7.2 stone when i eat about 5 squillion tons of fat a day? XD
74. What medications do you take?: Nurofen when i have a headache
75. What does your bedroom look like?: Its sky blue walls, with dark blue skirting. Light wood effect floor tiles, blue rug. Wooden desk with drawers and blue lamp. Pin board, Dragon plant, bird cage. Blue bed, blue curtains, shrine to Fenrir god of wolves, candles, green cupboards with leaf prints, biiig tv, AQUA blue playstation 2, computer desk, blue chair, blue rimmed pc (i like blue) and me.