Sep 24, 2004 17:03
Is it just me or has LJ been changing things again behind my back?
Gah! I do an msn warning telling my contacts im going to be getting rid of people, and to leave an Email or tell me if they wish to stay. The whole point was kind of to get rid of the people that I dont know. The ones that actually never ever talk to me, that I always see signing in and out allll day, without me having to be rude and just block them. So, they decide that 'now' they can talk to me and ask me to keep them? So, I kinda have to now and it sucks. I dont like blocking people unless they're really bad know how some people just make you uncomfortable? -_-
(Dont worry though, if you know me from here and we talk on msn, you have my word that its no one thats on my LJ friends list, so dont be paranoid, kay? ^_^ If you did message/Email me and I didnt get back to you; Ofcourse i will keep you.)
So, i go shopping tomorrow for that Japanese book im supposed to get. I dont know, i'm a little aprehensive of buying a book if its not going to have a little winged bear jump out of it and make me the master of the clow. I wonder if Ottakers has any books that do that? Then i'll probably blow a hundred pounds in Burtons. Since when did they become a rock dudes clothes store? They used to be an office place didnt they? I went there last week and the guy gave me a discount on a jacket for no reason o_o Not that im complaining, and I made a proper badge with the Suikoden True water rune and put that on it! Now I have True Water Armour. In your face True Thunder Leather!
I hope Ashley leaves work. Please, please if there is a MAX, grant me this wish and I will be your eternal slave for all....eternity. I will be your vassal. I will absorb your psychokinetic energy and direct it to one focal point. I will learn to cook and bake you a cake every day ;_; I will listen to rap! I'll revoke my bisexuality and become homophobic! I'll become racist!! And start wearing sports clothes and talk about nothing but sex and treat girls as though they are sex machines and treat guys as though they are rivals to my manhood!!!;_______; I will never eat sugar again!!!! I Will LIKE George Bush!!! *DIES* ;______________________;
I really want him to leave and i'd change every aspect of my life if I could just have that one thing. If you decide to do this for me MAX, and you actually are reading my LJ post which I know you might not because you have to read everyones posts ever and it could take a long time, then could you do these quick favours for me aswell please?
* bring dragons back to life
* erase Hillary Duff
* fix my favourite orange crayon
* give me the Bright Shield rune
* stop terrorism
* cure all illness
* make Asda have that Oreo cookie cream cake next time I go shopping
Thank you! *hugs*
Guys, anyone know whats going on with those terrorists that have that british dude? They didnt kill him did they? I mean they already killed the americans. This really is disgraceful, i mean theres enough things killing us already what with disease and illness, the last thing we need is to be killing eachother over matters that could be resolved if a few people would just realise that theres other options. They were talking about releasing one of the female biological warfare experts in exchange for the british man, but if they do thats so unfair to the americans. Why couldnt they have done it before 'they' were beheaded? >_< Humanity is on the decline peeps. At the central axis i believe you will find oxygen masks and vomit bags. These are just to make you feel better, neither of them work very efficiently. Dont feel sad though because i have gummi bears and theres enough for all of you!
So far all i have learned is; Haijimemashite. Watashi Wa Adam Desu. Dozo Yorushiku Onegaishimasu. I'm trying really hard though >_