Anime North

May 23, 2009 00:26


Anime North was so much fun~~!

Here's an excerpt from the skit competition during an intermission:

"You know? I hate Cyclops. First: his character annoys the heck outta me. Second: I just don't understand his x-men name! A cyclops is a mythical creature with one eye. Last I checked, a lack of depth perception was NOT a super power!"
"He really needs a better, more direct name. Like, Death-Beams-From-My-Eyes-Man."
"I mean, imagine this!
Minion: Boss! Cyclops is attacking the base!
Boss: Just line the men up at different distances!"
"Then he won't be able to hit most of them!"
"But if you had:
Minion: Boss! Death-Beams-From-My-Eyes-Man is attacking the base! Then it's much more direct."

Good stuff!

Happy Birthday to me~ =3
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