Mar 20, 2008 20:49
It's a really good thing that break starts now.
Theres been all kinds of stress going on over the last few days, and I think I'm kinda done with it for the now. First off, at the hiring committee, Morgan basically tried to tear me a new one, but I figured it wasn't me that was in the wrong for it. I'd been following what we'd discussed earlier in the meetings for the interview, and what other people were doing, but the question that he had invested in basically fell on me for the interview with the person we really liked, and I apparently handled it wrong. Then yesterday he belittled Taija and Shaylee by, when they mentioned they wanted to go to a strip club going into the whole culture of it and how they should be pitied and how horrible were they for wanting to go. Then when Taija playfully said that when Shaylee was teasing her that she'd sick Mrgan on her ass, Morgan basically went ape shit about how he isn't a creature of violence and not to make him out as one, in a really mean and violent manner. Morgan is getting really fuckin' ridiculous lately with how he's acting, and it's really starting to bug the hell outta me, because he's such a blatant hypocrit, preaching against intolerance and down with white male priveledge when he himself is exibiting probably the epitome of both. I don't really like Morgan right now, and only hoping that the situation improves.
Shaylee is leaving to go back home and she's going bat shit crazy, so much so, that last night I got a phone call from Taija because Shaylee, after Taija had gotten a phone call from Jordan, basically accused Taija of being a whore and liking me more than Shaylee, and I dunno, I think the stress finally got to Shaylee and she had a break. So, after about a half an hour of making Taija feel better, I gave Shaylee a brief call and asked how she was, and she said that she didn't feel up to talking, so I let her go. I then proceeded to try and push my cuticals back, and didn't do such a great job. What ended up happening was my nail grew by lick 200% in size, but the skin is raw and bloody. Yaow.
Last night, instead of sleeping, I read my book, not getting nearly as far as I should have. I didn't sleep, and at about 7:30 I got up to go take a shower and make myself some breakfast. I made myself a carry with of coffee and got to school at 9 for my test at 10:15, finishing up my essay and getting a little studying in, I talked to June briefly, she was nice too me even though I was going a little insane with sleep deprivation. In my final, I kinda sleepily blazzed through before the coffee kicked in for about 7 minutes and I went over my answers and made sure they were right. Afterwards I walked with two hair color Jordan back to the dorms, crawled into bed with Taija, after talking for a little while, I dozed off for a couple hours until Jordan called.
The following disaster can not adequately be described with words what happened, so I'll leave it at this: the entire thing was a bad idea, and having Sasha over so soon afterwards exacerbated the situation to a degree close to sub nova. I'm not sure what to think, other than to say that it's bad form to leave giant hickeys on someones neck right before they head home to their mothers after a term away.
So, yeah. After that we went to the expensive Tai place, and the service was terrible, the food expensive, and the company left something to be desired. Not so much with Sasha and Taija, but after about a half an hour of waiting, we had to talk to the waitress about our food, and then a trans woman and a man with her over heard us talking about the ASL program, and invited themselves to talk with us for a while. The woman was nice enough, but the guy was a racist, making some really horrible comments about the waiting staff's ethnicity. It was pretty bad, so I tried quickly to get them to go, and eventually they did.
We then went to the library. I checked out two Hellboy books, with words, only to find out after I left that one was in Spanish. Lame. So we then went to the QRC volunteer dinner thing, and Lupita, the woman we hired from the beginning of the post was there, getting a bearing on how our program was. It eventually disintergrated into a couple games of twister, I surprisingly won the first game, though I wasn't really flexable, and hung out with Shaylee some after she arrived. She's really in a bad way right now, and so I'm just going to drive her to the airport on saturday and say good bye after that. I don't know why everything went 'suck' the last couple days, but they did. I want things to settle and be good again, but things are a changing.
I really wish Jordan, Taija and I could just forget today happened.