(no subject)

May 08, 2010 20:45

taking a break from this for a little bit... already got rough geo down and am starting on rough scripted sequences

here's a rough layout (its not very exciting....)

a rough breakdown of events...

the setting is inside of a mine, the whole thing is supposed to feel unstable.. right after you start, the lights go out. some cut/sparking wires leads you to...

1. generator that turns back on the lights, as you approach...

2. some lights/electrical equipment overloads catching some.. barrels on fire, explodes and breaks the gate blocking the way, the stairs at...

3. break as you start to go up them, connected to the stairs is some retractable bridge thing that totally makes NO functional sense in a mine... you have to shoot some wires holding it up to lower it to allow progress to...

4. a wooden bridge across a gap, as you cross it, it breaks causing lots of neat particle effects n fancy shit to go off, eventually you get into...

5. an elevator that leads to the exit.. seeing as the place is still unstable and whatnot, the electricity cuts out and the elevator stops prematurely, so you have to navigate across some catwalks and pipes to reach...

6. an electric box to get the power running again, the elevator resumes heading up, you jump on top of the elevator and ride it up (this is a tricky area, will need to collapse pipes to prevent player from backtracking and getting themselves stuck)

and the exit is... the exit.

thats it. quick and dirty. going faster than expected, should have most of it finished by tomorrow sometime.. depending on time available, i might flesh it out a bit more and add spicy bits to the level. i need to set up a youtube account to do a runthrough of the level, and figure out how to add notes to the video to call out scripts for when i send this to the recruiter dude. i might just set up a subpage on my domain specifically for this.


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