Sep 07, 2004 15:24
goodbye summer:(
its officially OVERRRRRRRRRRR. but im this past summer was my favorite one ever. it was really good. i have alotttttt of good memories and some bad ones but it all balances out basicallyyyyy!!!! i met some cool people this summer and it was an awesoem summer oh em gee. and next summer ill be driving<33333 so it will be even better.
first day of schooooolllllllll! yuck i hate school but i have a good feeling about this year. i like all of my classes. tabatha and heather are both in my lunch. if mackenzie was it would be even better buttt i will still see her. amy freed is in 3 of my classes and i havent talked to her since 7th grade so its cool that we still talk. i dont know im just happy with everything so far. its only the first day but i really think its gonna be a good year. ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDD okay the best part of the whole day issssssssss.......ME AND GUS ARE FRIENDS AGAIN! l;alskd;alskdasd. thats so awesomeeeeeeee!!!! ryan mcmurray isnt in ANY Of my classes and i didnt talk to him all day but the first week i dont really see anyone like in the hall cause everything is still confusing. the best class is creative writting and im really excited about that because i LOVE to write so it should be really good and plus MACKENZIE IS IN IT and there seems to be pretty cool kids in it too. and sept 30 we already have a trip yay.
one day of school many more left????
3 months and 21 days until i drive!!!!!!!
the end<3