My tweets

Apr 27, 2019 12:15

  • Fri, 22:59: RT @ isakvaItersens: one of my favorite clips in skam is the best of islam and im so glad #skamfrance did it justice. i loved this entire co…
  • Fri, 23:02: RT @ softzoenne: They both want each other so badly but there is something which is stopping them, Imane doesn't want to betray her parents…
  • Sat, 06:44: RT @ handokotjung: 5 jobs a mother have had: - Accountant: Mengatur keuangan - Chef: Masak makanan enak - Nurse: Merawat ketika sakit - Secu…
  • Sat, 06:44: RT @ Septianysputri: Ini rang orang kenapa sih? 😂 kan kasian mbaKunthea nya kehalangan karung wkwk
  • Sat, 06:45: RT @ Septianysputri: Ini lebih parah😂 mba kunthea lagi maen pabji malah digeplak pake wajan wkwkwk
  • Sat, 06:49: RT @ leety701: he acted as if he liked it and then he asked what did they put in it fdkvdfhvbdfb this is so funny
  • Sat, 06:51: RT @ neoliveson: Fans r calling 4 "protecting artists from excessive stalking." Legal experts explain some Fansites behavior is criminal. "…
  • Sat, 06:52: RT @ neoliveson: Fansites get special privileges like press pass, TV and flight schedules. The serious issue is these Fansites then sell the…
  • Sat, 06:52: RT @ neoliveson: For all Kpop fandoms, observe your fansites. See how they move. Are they at every fansign, muster, concerts etc? How close…

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