Because we all wanna know what Shin thinks of Gen V, right?

May 13, 2010 20:53

When I saw the silhouettes, my first reactions were that the Fire-starter was like some kind of cross-breed of Spoink and Turtwig, the Grass-starter was basically Treecko only really gayed up and anorexic, and the Water-starter has serious identity issues.

Then they got revealed and... I end up being totally fucking right, whaddya know. XD That said, I like Fire-starter/Pokabu the best and for once I might be inclined to start out with a Fire-type. My preferences for the past four gens were: Squirtle-Totodile-Treecko-Turtwig. So I've really had a habit of neglecting Fire-types in my games. It might be a welcome change? Gen V girl's wearing short-shorts and her hair adds like half a foot to her overall height if you count it. But for the first Gen girl to actually wear a Pokemon cap just like the boys do (skull caps/bandannas/sun hats/winter hats/stupid hats never really did it for me), I have to say I dig her.

The boy, on the other hand, is Jaden Yuki who snuck into the Pokemon franchise. And his overworld sprite still looks smashed up, so hah. Yeah.

I'd be perfectly okay with the aging thing if it didn't make me further wonder/worry about the future of the anime beyond D/P. It's perfectly okay to age Ash; he can still be an oblivious dumbass! Besides that, logically, if these Leagues are yearly, then he'd have to be 14 by the end of Sinnoh and his voice is lower now anyway so why the hell not. Because if you're still telling me Ash is ten, then you're also telling me Paul is ten. In which case I would tell you to get the fuck out. Just. Out. Get out.

Been compleeeetely ignoring the GF. I've heard the timing issues and DEMs are running rampant anyway, so I have a feeling I'm not missing out on much. Just wake me up when Ash is going against Volkner next month. Though the idea of Dawn being complete and total dead weight for this entire summer until D/P ends in the fall is really kinda funny.

Work this week has been virtually nonexistent. At least this has very much helped Trifecta, which I've successfully been emailing to my accounts before I go to bed and before I leave work. Due to this, chapter 13 is now 30 pages in length (which is somewhere in the vicinity of 17,000 words, meaning it's pretty much as long as the other chapters have been lately). And I have a feeling it'll stand out a bit in size since I'm... maybe two quarters of the way through the main event and don't know how much I'll tl;dr about the best part?

Tell you what though, even though Conway's got the top billing in the chapter's name, it almost feels more like Maylene is the center focus of this chapter because she not only got to be significant in a Reggie scene that lasted longer than I thought it would, but she's also forced to put up with Conway's crazy shit and roped into his crazy scheme for this chapter, which is seriously about to make her snap. Reggie and Maylene are easily the hardest characters for me to write (we'll see if I still feel that way once I start writing significant roles for Brandon again from next chapter onward); no wonder this chapter's felt like a chore to get through. Paul's scene lasted only four of these thirty pages. That's like the least presence he's had in any chapter since chapter 4. Though I plan to give him another small scene by the end of this chapter in order to tie up a particular loose end, this chapter and the next will be pretty Paul-light.

But to be fair, Maylene's all but out of the picture once this chapter's done for a loooooong time coming, Conway will feature next chapter but then take a little hiatus himself after Trifecta 14, because A Pyramiding Rage! is chapter 15, and that plus the next two or three chapters after that one will be really really heavy on the Paul/Reggie/Brandon content. Not to mention lots of Ash. Moar Candice. And I get to try my hand at writing Zoey soon, oh dear.

I'd love to have this chapter done and out within the next few days at this rate. Fun how a lull at work plus limited internet access dramatically makes the fic get done faster. Before Conway takes some time off from the fic, he'll get to meet Barry in chapter 14, at least (aka the only thing outside of Brandon reuniting with Samuel that's preventing this chapter from being filler). A MAJOR EXPERIENCE TO LOOK FORWARD TO. Really, Maylene is showing to be far too normal and sane to deal with Conway long-term like Paul had. Barry's really anything but sane, and even though he and Conway won't get along either, it'll at least feel a lot less one-sided, because Conway's just bombarding Maylene with OMGWTF scene after scene and I'm starting to feel sorry for her, almost. XD

It is very very awkward writing a funeral scene, especially one that's going the way of Tom Sawyer, but soon enough it'll transition into Home Alone and then I'll be a happy camper and let Conway go have his crazy adventures while Paul continues to (not) have fun in his own way. Then the flow will be natural or something.

My god, May's half-over already. Total Drama World Tour is next month. So much new shit to look forward to and I'll have money next week, hooyeah.

... oh god, and in a couple of weeks I think Super Mario Galaxy 2 comes out.

My brain just peed itself with joy. Now off to inject myself with more caffeine~!
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