And finally, after three grueling years...
... I have become employed again. ♥ IRS at last~!
Won't start until the 26th this month, so that gives me plenty of time to... completely flip around my sleeping schedule in order to do this. Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. My current sleep schedule is like the opposite of this, so... this is gonna be a fun adjustment. It's just like high school all over again.
So yeah, now my great abundance of free time will soon be over, but I'll make the best of it. Whenever I'm on a schedule, I tend to get things accomplished more quickly. So I'll probably be working on the fic more regularly whenever I can and not flake out on any RP tags. This is my first time having a full-time job, so I expect my first couple of weeks to be a living hell but it'll be okay because I'll be making $13.93 an hour and have insurance. Motherfucking yes.
Luckily, this job is an assortment of various clerk work, almost all of which I've done before at my very first job. If I could pull it off when I was 17, I'm sure I can still do it at 24. I've got the medication to become focused now, so that'll keep me afloat.
So... yeeee. It's not only amazing that I finally found myself a stable job that can become a career for me (so I can let the money pile on before deciding to kick things up a notch), but it's amazing that after all of these goddamn tries to get into the IRS, I finally succeed. I even told them that at the interview: "If I didn't really want to work here, I wouldn't have applied here so many times for all these years". I finally managed to really sell an interview; the people I spoke with weren't in charge of hiring me, but they outright said they were rooting for me to get chosen. And they even gave me a cookie on the way out. ♥ Looks like that all paid off handsomely.
Thankfully, where I'll be working is close by where I live and it's very simple to reach, so I won't have to wake up too early to prepare (though I'll be waking up early anyway on Thursday mornings to catch the Japanese Pokemon episodes). I just have to... do a good job and things'll be peachy. I'm not going to like having to go to bed around midnightish-1 AM at the latest, especially when everyone's about done with college this semester, but it's a relatively small price to pay.
Still hasn't really sunk in at this point. I might go batshit crazy later.
Before that miracle occurred, I've been suffering an irritating sort of pain. Not that monthly pain, but one spout of acne produced a zit right at the corner of my lip. It would tear open every time I opened my mouth and oh lord it was bad. It took forever, but I think it's finally gone now. What happened because of the zit is that, due to the pain irritation, I've given myself a giant blister right inside my cheek (or, well, lower jaw area, really; it was directly opposite from the zit). It's in a particular position that either my teeth or my tongue will almost constantly touch it unless I make the effort not to, and that blister is really freaking sensitive. Its pain has since spread throughout my gums and now it's agitating my teeth.
I checked yesterday, and the blister does seem to be shrinking. It's not hurting as badly today, so my guess is that it's finally healing now that the zit's gone. Mouth is still hurting overall, so I've resorted to the numbing gel all week. Which... makes me drool. It hurts to eat, so I've done very little of that this week even though I have an abundance of choices. I'm hoping I'll be over this by the next couple of weeks, because this pain is fucking distracting.
I made a
new banner for Trifecta for use on the forums. Got tired of the old one... and I had it for like a year anyway, so I made something new. Hopefully it's an improvement. Helped having those generous scans from
And so, a new chapter finally begins in my dumb life! ... Too bad this'll make raising a kitten difficult if both my mom and I are at work, but I guess we'll work it in somehow.
Also I swear I think I contracted Pokerus again. While I was breeding Shroomish, out of nowhere one of them and the Slugma I carried with me contracted the virus. I never once touched that Slugma when I initially captured it and I'm pretty sure it didn't have Pokerus when I finally dragged it out of the PC. One of the Breloom I had breeding had Pokerus, but was already in smiley-face status by then. It took a good one and a half boxed before I finally got the nature of Shroomish I wanted with Spore already bred into it, and only some eggs were contracting the virus so I took the time to infect the right Shroomish before even starting to level her up. Adamant nature, highly curious...
Presently at level 38, her attack stat is 141 while the rest is 71/59/63/68 (Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, Speed). HP is 101. All that plus a Power Bracer is making my girl Breloom an absolute monster. Probably should have invested more in speed, though. My Brelooms in this game are more fragile than Weavile for some reason.
Still, I find it fucking hilarious that I must have contracted Pokerus independently again. What the hell. Oh well, let's see if I can level up the rest of the team and try to beat Red before I have to go to work. Most everybody's in the 70s at this point, so it won't be much longer. Especially with spamming Gym Leader rematches.
Aaaand finally, it looks like the anime's GF is only going to be four episodes. They pretty much spoiled it with the most recent title, clearly stating Dawn and Zoey in the finals... which... I find highly unrealistic. I mean sure, it may seem like BS that May lost to one-hit wonders like Robert and Solidad, but at least those two were confirmed to be much more experienced Coordinators which would make sense that they would beat the relatively newbie May.
Pretty much all of Dawn's rivals except Jessie are in their first year of Coordinating. Zoey's just fortunate enough to be one step ahead of Dawn. Still, you'd think the GF wouldn't solely come down to a bunch of first-timers in the quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finals, right? And this makes me worry that Nando's going to sneak in and win the League now, which is a much more valuable storyline than the stupid fucking Grand Festival where the best characters are doomed to be shot down early, making the climax of this storyline boring as all get-out and really, really fucking unrealistic. Either way, Dawn's days are numbered regardless if she wins or loses the GF. They definitely confirmed that DP's ending by this fall and a new series will pick up where DP leaves off.
Really, much as I'm excited for Generation V, as far as the anime's concerned I'm a little worried. Despite the number of stinkers, DP produced a great number of recurring minor characters and rivals, all of which face being wiped out and never being seen again once DP ends. And me, ever the opposite of optimistic, greatly doubt the new series is going to be able to top guys like Barry, Paul, and Conway. oh god especially Conway. I guess it's reasonable in a way, given that Drew and Harley's "replacements" for the Contest storyline where so goddamn dull and uninteresting in comparison. It's perfectly understandable to think that possibly whoever might replace Ash's rivals in the new story will never measure up to the bar that DP set. Paul's future as a rival is dark and unpredictable whether he stays or goes; no doubt his asshole attitude will be toned down once he inevitably loses to Ash, but there are other ways to flesh out his character without making him stale. And really, unless the anime thinks to ship him off to Orre or Almia or whatever, Paul's been to all of the same regions as Ash already, so logically he should be following him to the new region.
Eh, who knows. I gotta pay close attention to this stuff for the fic's sake. It's just a tad nervewracking, admittedly. That's how ongoing canon is!