... Hah, it's just like last year. Back then, Sneaky's neverending affection distracted me from completing Trifecta chapters, and this year, Baby's demanding to play with me constantly and specifically out of my room (made clear when she yanked the feather toy out of my hand and zoomed off with it).
Still, it's been done!
Chapter 12 of Travels of the Trifecta! is complete! And I got a hell of a lot of character development in it this time, so it's not a snoozefest like 11 was.
Onward to 13, which will be named Conway to the Danger Zone! Finally...!
Now I can goof off for a while guiltlessly before I start that epic chapter of Conway's little misadventures. Also in that chapter is Paul getting pwned in a battle. Again. It's fun to watch him lose, oddly enough.
Still getting snow-raped, but was able to make it to the psychologist with relative ease; they cleared the roads well this time.
Before I start 13, I should start revising the
timeline beyond DP136 (meaning... beyond chapter 20) in light of the new bits of canon included, involving Barry, what Paul and Conway do when reunited, and how to handle the inevitable adaption of this week's episode. You know I'm psyched; Infernape, Paul, Barry. Say no more. I am there. even if it'll be 5 am my time.
Man, The Greatest Everyday! inspired me in so many ways. ♥ Even more so through PD and
kitsune_prophet, since I've decided then to implement grandparents into the mix. Specifically, Pyramid King Brandon's parents. They'll be a key element to his flashback.
As I spoil you all, I will say that Brandon's parents were bland-as-hell farmers. Strict, narrow-minded, early to bed and early to rise, and high expectations of Brandon to take care of the place when they die. And this is a farm in Floaroma Town, meaning... that will actually be Brandon's birthplace, rather than Veilstone City. The way I plan it, the adventurous and rebellious young Brandon, who always wanted to learn more about the outside world, ran away from his parents and entrusted young Byron and Palmer to keep it all confidential.
So in many ways, yet again, Paul mirrors Brandon in the sense that Brandon despised his parents so much that he ran away from them and never looked back. And the real reason Brandon has some remaining tension with Reggie? Reggie turned out to be just like his grandparents; bland and routine-oriented who had no intention of going off on some huge adventure after he retired. Reggie handling the breeding center reminds Brandon of his parents and their farm.
Mind you, as Brandon has written his parents off as dead to both his wife and his kids... Reggie and Paul never knew that they actually had living relatives in Floaroma Town that they could have stayed with after their mother passed on. Brandon's pride prevented him from being able to tell his kids the truth, leaving them to fend for themselves instead.
I'm not sure when Paul or Reggie will eventually learn this (isn't it ironic, as the fic itself actually began with Paul in Floaroma Town?), but when Reggie learns this... he will fucking lose his shit. That is indeed the straw that breaks the Numel's back and gives Reggie his greatest desire to defeat Brandon in battle; to overpower that stubborn pride that prevented him from knowing his grandparents, who could have given him a more stable life while he grew up without his mother.
As for Paul? Well... Paul would be mildly surprised that he has living grandparents, but once he realizes what they're actually like, Paul will not care nearly as much that Brandon hid this from them, thinking that they would have been miserable growing up with those old fogeys. So Paul would react as Brandon would have and wouldn't be nearly as offended as Reggie will be.
But Paul already has his strong desire to defeat Brandon, so he doesn't need this to fuel his rage. Reggie, however, needs a rage boost like crazy. Even though he's training hard at this point in the story, Reggie remains ridiculously passive. This will unleash his true aggression, which Reggie can give in waves due to all of the sorrow he held in for Paul's sake and the fact that, unlike Paul, Reggie was not born terminally ill.
In fact, Reggie was born extremely healthy, like his father. He was able to move around and put up a fight whenever necessary... though it was rarely necessary; Reggie always held back when he was young. Good thing he picked Chimchar as his starter, as it allowed him to let out a lot of frustration in the form of sparring matches once he got Infernape. It was well-put in some thread on PD: Reggie is strong and agile with a lot of spirit, like the Chimchar line. Paul is more like the Turtwig line; focusing on being able to take hits, endure them with sheer, stubborn determination, and strike back when the time is right.
So yet another great element is implemented into the story's distant future. I suspect also, if Conway faces Ash at the League, he will do so as he sees on TV that Ash & Co. were able to finally take down Team Galactic... who he's been trying to take down on his own since his cousin happens to be Saturn. And Conway will be miffed at Ash for putting Dawn in such danger. That's how I'll picture it, I guess. This'll really solidify Conway as a major supporting character since the protagonists are accomplishing his goals for him. Poor guy.
... Why do I put so much work into this fic, oh my god.