May 05, 2004 20:31
It makes you wonder exactly how Vanessa Paradis got away with the video for 'Joe le taxi' - dodgy sweater, crappy effects and persistent loss of eye contact with the camera. Not unlike the 'ding ding dong' video, in fact.
Such a crazy, crazy day of profuse apologies and explaining our lives away. Ultimately, what have we learnt? Being too comfortable with gender, sexuality and race amongst yourselves will get yo' ass whooped in the real world. Integration, acceptance, tolerance - all the buzz words that don't really mean an awful lot after all - it doesn't really seem worth opening the hopefully metaphorical can of worms that goes with this fandango. What can you do? Oh, apathy...
In other news, I took the time to stream Jai Rodriguez's 'Love is good' single (berate!) for a little uplifting. Almost as much fun as writing the children's novel 'The Metaphorical Bear of Jewdom' will be (cf. Bernard and Manny's attempt at children's book).
Signing off...