Now, for my wonderful Atlantic City Rant :D!! (Cause I know you all missed me..)
Slept over Ashley's and took many pictures of Mr. Adventure and ourselves..Computer, TV, fun time..O_o Then the next day...
Atlantic City
Woke up and went to Atlantic City! The car ride there was brutal and I Took so many damned pictures @_@. Cousin and I talked about random subjects like the Tiny Houses and Port....*Curses* Then we saw the exit for Keyport and I wanted to visit my dear bad..X_x Stupid Aunt and Uncle.
After a while we took a pit stop to pee and such and I saw a picture of the Kingda Ka from Six Flags...Darin went on that.. :D
When we finally got to Atlantic City it was like I was a tourist from another fuckin country and I freaked over it being kinda like The Commons (It had Gap, then a little ways away Banana Republic. Heh..IHOP.) Also had EB Games and So it was some Galleria/Commons hybrid..o_O and the pictures...@_@ My aunt was like "LIEKOMGYOURPHONEISTEHR0X0RZ!!" Cause of the pictures it took when we were driving.. :D
I have come to the conclusion that if you dont get into the tower at Resorts, you might as well stay at a Holiday Inn. It was so fucking 80's I thought I could die...They didn't have Cartoon Network and Mushroom Samba was on...SO I was a bit sad cause I love that episode..and it won't be on for a while now..But the beds sucked too. I mean, they were so firm and they jus', AH! Horrible. Never again. We had a nice view of the parking Lot, And could see about 3 mm of the fucking ocean/beach. We hated it, so Ashley and I travelled to the Boardwalk. Ate at Planet Hollywood with Ashley's Relative people..o_o And Ashley and I discussed Emo people, Aunt Christine's Sex Tips, and Middletown.
After a while we went to the Ripley's Believe It or Not museum (RBION) and discovered a DDR "7th mix" Which was actually an Extreme to the Ghetto'ed out power. And we also discovered "Percussion Master". I fell in love with that game.
Ashley and I travelled to the beach after some DDR and PM, and this Mexican walked by and only said "Oh yeah" in a mumbled voice. We found it weird, but hilarious. Then I called Darin and talked to him a while, and Ashley played with a shell. Then I got off the phone and took pictures!!! (God, Photographer..@_@)
FUCKING LEOPARD!! I still want it (Thank you Ashley,for getting it ready to flip over.. :D ...and then had to have Ashley keep my money so I wouldn't spend it all..So we went to the Faire across from Taj and by the duck game (Pick up duck, look at bottom, possibility of winning prize....maybe?) we met this child named "Frank". He was creepy and wanted to take us up to his room...In the tower..So I pretended to call up my Aunt Christine (Actually calling my voicemail) Then we went to get Ice Cream, DDR and travel back to the hotel. The beds really really sucked. We watched Ray and there were a lot of "sex" moments in that movie..So we ate some Mike and Ike's and I called up Darin once more. Then Ashley went into a little laughing fit when I told her the joke about the 3 people on death row..and the blond one says "fire" and yeah..o_o She laughed before the punchline..And I was like "WTF?!" Then pretended to snore, to make her laugh more.. n_n
And I stole the pen and pad thing there..^ ~
CHECKED OUT OF RESORTS!! So we went to Bally's and found a doughnut shop :D Everything Bagel + Butter = Happy Jen.
We found out that we were in the Claridge Tower in room 2741 (27th floor, 41st door thing..) Went on the Esclator of 5 degrees (Like in Airports. :D I love that thing..) There were 2 elevators we didn't creaked and the other one shook. Freaky.
We ended up going to the beach, which was family fun time. But then Aunt Christine lost her glasses and I thoguht I lost my Bunny (Who is a boy n___n). So after we left the beach Ashley and I rushed over to Resorts to see if it was still here. Sure enough..
it was The girl was jus' cleaning the room, I was so thankful. So to celebrate, we got pizza :D and Ash got some weird tastng Green Tea shit..X_x Sucked major. Then we "Diddered" (Lol, Port people), went back to the room, changed and went to the Spa we had to pay $10 for, even though it was free 2 years ago.. -_-
In there, we played in the Hot Tubs, the pool, and the Inhalation Room (A type of Aromatherapy/sauna thing..It was awesome. I so want some..o_o) After a while of being there, we headed up to the room again, took showers and left a loong while after to get Chinese food. I missed the gang, since we always used to eat chinese..I was worrying about not gettng Darin a present with the little money I had, since I was pretty much poor with only $35. I wondered what to get.
Then more DDR. Ashley got 1st in percussion master, but my jealousy got in the way and I stole it from her, then felt horrible. After we left, in an Angry/Worried or Feeling bad way, we found Arizona Green Tea (which I pointed out for ashley) And she felt better. Then back to the room again, a conversation twith my Aunt that went:
Aunt Chris: "OMGLIEKEVERYTHINGOKEY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Aunt Chris: "WHUT?!?!!"
Aunt Chris: "WHUT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!"
Me: WE'RE FINE!!!!!
Aunt Chris:"...I can't hear you, I'll see you later."
Then some TV (Daily Show = Love)and sleep.
Woke up in our awesome bed and went to the Doughnut Shop to be emo at our table with bagels and green tea (Since I woke up and one of my glands were swollen...RAWR!) n_n After that, we travelled to RBION and Ashley played DDR. She got first again, but I took it away..Again..and felt horrible again...But I put K&R♥ For the both of us, but only I was in the picture..cause Ashley was in Nonstop mode in DDR and didn't want to be in it..
Went shopping, going by many shops selling bongs.. and found this awesome shop where I bought these two kew' Dragons (Dagronz!) and got a crystal one (Real cheap $-$) and a green one all sparkly guarding a skull. Ashley got a wolf. Awesome people there. I wanted this penguin. But oh well...
Then we headed to the beach, where I got burnt! Maybe a tan soon? I got a bad feeling after a while of being in the ocean. Dunno why. Then, so my uncle would shut up, we went back to the room, showered and went to Pickles. Aunt Chris cedided to wear the Balsamic Vinegar, since the cap was absent from the table and she didn't know. Ha..It was quite funny, but I felt kinda sorry cause vinegar = Powerful. I had a BLT, cause it seemed like the only good thing and Ashley got one.
After that fiasco, we were srtolling down the boardwalk and I made Aunt Chris buy candy n_n Cause I was poor, and Ashley got a wolf stuffed toy thingie..o_o Then we wandered a bit more away from Aunt and Uncle and went to RBION. DDR, PM, etc. We wandered down to Showboat, where we hope to stay one day. It's slanted :D
I still wanted that damned Hello Kitty that everyone seemed to have. So I tried and failed. I was vey upset at myself...for failing..3 times Fucking grr.. but I got a "Salt Water Taffy" was really a balloon that had athe name of a taffy place on the side, but it looked WRONG. Lol. But I loved it. Once we got to the Taj, we saw this street performet who looked like the old MJ, but with a silver face and Blues Brother's glasses, he was kew' so I took some videos. He gave out kandee, but I didn't get any. u_u Plus, It'd be kinda weird..o_O But he gave it to a little boy..(Hmm...!!!!)
Wandered around Showboat after that, and went back, cause our legs were getting tired. When we got there, I decided to pack a bit before Friday, since it'd be like "Did I forget something?! SHIT!!" Put lotion on my sunburn to prevent it from peeling..then watched some TeeBee in Box0rz and my bra, with some kandee. Then Uncle Tom barged in all "Schwinehunt!!" (Some german word he likes to say..o_O. It gets very annoying after a while). Brushed my teeth, then slept :D I will miss you Atlantic City.
Woke up and travelled to the doughnut shop again, got my Everything Bagel and some Green Tea (for my gland...that was swollen in my neck..-_-) Aunt Christine wanted to gamble so Ashley and I walked up the lonely end of the boardwalk, where we never go...Ever..o_o Got me some Iced Tea and wandered in the rain. Next time we go there (prolly next year) we're going to the Rainforest Café and Starbucks where Ashley found her dose of Emo. Then we found out that It was about 5 minutes before we had to go back, so we left with Ashley on her emo high.
Of course people gamble...a my Aunt scrounged around for money and gambeled for a while...we waited an hour for my Uncle and Aunt...and finally we were out. Speed of Sound played 5 times during the time we were in AC, and we listened to the block of Linkin Park on the ride home.
While in the car..I had to go to the bathroom, but my uncle was an ass and was like "I'm not stopping" but my Italian Aunt made him :D I was happy then..Then going up Orange Turnpike we hit a piece of metal in the road. >< Thought I would die..u_u (Uncle Tom was driving..@_@) So I finally got home, safe (which is always good)
So then went out with Darin for a while to get my schedule for next week... Monday I work 8 major.
Today Went to Darin's Aunt Robin's house to celebrate Karen's and Tori's birthdays. n_n Pool, Food, fun, talking... awesome. Too lazy for any more details..
But, Even though I'm gonna miss Atlantic City, Saratoga's tomorrow. :D
Should be awesome..
(Maybe another update then?..^ ~)