Sigh~ so no translation up but I did it! rather proud since it's the longest one I've ever done though it was really confusing at times. I hope I will be able to post if soon but since I promised last time and it didn't happen I'll just say "try".
Hmmm so school has started and I've decided to actually study this semester. It's. It. Really. Working.
So much for my new semester resolutions. Therefore today I decided to study and got distracted and am now on lj
Clap for me~
oh well pic time
Just staring at the ceiling
Cup ramen the ultimate snack for lazy students
Wow that pic was a lot smaller but yeah study area. I built a nest!
Saaaa that's the end of that spam :) it's September now so the air is a little nippy but the autumn sun + wind = fine for me.
Gonna enjoy it before the rain then from there I'll see how I feel about snow and walking again x(
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