Tonight was an early night, but it was a pretty good day all around. I went to work at the pharm with Brittany from 9-2. Headed to Katie's Grad party, at lotsa crab and other foods. Talked with HH people who I haven't seen in a while, talked with Brittany who I haven't talked to in a while. Then came home Tina called, we hung out for a couple of hours and got some icecream then some food, and caught up a little bit. She's back from Lock Haven!! And since I'm a little bored I was bad and did a little shopping online for some summer apparel. So in a few days I should have a new bikini, tank tops, a skirt, and shorts. I ♥ shopping. I am so excited for these next two weeks! Besides all the studying I'm going to see some of my most favorite people more so than I have been. And it will be awesome and then I can put this year behind me. I think next year will be good. And I just need to keep thinking that.
I'm turning in early tonight, work 2-10 tomorrow and I want to get up early to do homework. Yeah I know I'm a dork, but who really cares?
and some shirts